
Cards (35)

  • what is bioinformatics?
    using computer technology to collect, store, analyse and disseminate biological data and information
  • why do we need bioinformatics?
    growth of databases of genetic information
    sequencing cost per human genome
  • what can bioinformatic be used for?
    genome sequence and annotation
    protein structure and molecular binding
    DNA identification
    Omics studies
  • what is an omics?
    large scale study of various biomoles
  • what is genomics?
    whole genome sequencing, microarray
  • what is epigenomics?
    DNA modification
    Whole genome bisulfite sequencing
  • what is transcriptomics?
  • What is proteomics?
    mass spectrometry
  • what is metabolomics?
    mass spectrometry
  • what is a metabolite: compounds involved in metabolism sustaining chemical reactions in organisms
  • what bioinformatics techniques range from website to programming?
    Finding/analysing data using website
    data analysis through software
    developing tools and resources
  • what are common problems for bioninformatics beginners?
    larger number of tool available
    Most tools and databases are not very user-friendly
    The outputs can look intimidating
    many different file formats
  • what does DNA barcoding allow?
    species identification
  • How to carry out DNA barcoding?
  • describe DNA barcoding
    Cost effective
    genes regions that are similar within the same species and distinct across different species
  • What are commonly used genes in DNA barcoding?
    Animals: MT-CO1, 16s rRNA
    Fungi: ITS (internal transcribed spacer)
    Bacteria: 16S rRNA or 18S rRNA
  • when would use DNA barcodes?
    food fraud detection
    identifying pollen
    pathogen surveillance
  • what file formate is given to a DNA barcode?
    FASTA formate
  • where is the sequence ID in FASTA format?
    first part until first space
  • what is a GenBank file format?
    stores more information than a FASTA file
  • What is BLAST?
    Bioinformatics software.
  • what is a search?
    a database or perform a search to describe the process of looking for specific information in a database
  • what is a query?
    The formal and structured request for data in database. Often used interchangeably with search. IN BLAST, it refers to your input sequence
  • What is your subject (BLAST database)?
    The sequences that your query sequence is compared to
  • what is the format for phylogenetic trees in DNA barcoding?
    Newick format
  • what is a clade?
    a group of organisms that includes a single ancestor and all of its descendent
  • What is a branch?
    Shows the path of transmission of genetic information from one generation to the next; the longer the lines, the more genetic change (or divergence) has occurred. The branch length are usually the number of genetic changes per site (i.e. if 1 base difference for a 100-base sequence, the length will be 0.01) .
  • what is a sequence alignment?
    needed to make phylogenetic tree, uses a CLUSTAL file format
  • what does a sequence aligment mean?
    A way of arrange amino acids or nucleotides sequences to identify regions of similarity
  • what is a primary key (database)?
    A unique ID for identifying an entry in a table in a database. Minor technical difference to Accession number
  • what are the fields?
    A set of attributes
  • what us a retrieve (database)?
    identifying and extracting data from a database
  • what is accession number (database):
    unique IDs used in database
  • what is a genecard?
    a human gene database with extensive information on each gene
  • What is a protein data bank (PDB) format used for?
    Store infomation on protein structure