Crude oil is formed from the buried remains of plants and animals (so is a fossil fuel)
Refined petroleum products are used as fuels, lubricants, solvents, plastics, etc.
Crude oil is a mixture of different hydrocarbons. It is mainly made up of fractions of alkanes(Cn H2n+2) and alkenes(Cn H2n)
Fractional distillation separates crude oil into its components based on their boiling points
The boiling point increases with increasing molecular mass
The longer hydrocarbons have high boiling points due to having a longer chainlength thus more atoms and stronger intermolecular forces and covalent bonds so more energy is needed for them to break
The shorter hydrocarbons have lower boiling pointa due to them having a shorter chain length so less atoms meaning less covalent bonds and weaker intermolecular forces meaning less energy is needed to break them
A life-cycle assessment (LCA) looks at each stage of life of a product and works out the potentional environmental impact of each stage and the product