The process that is responsible for breaking down food into smaller pieces that the body can use energy and nutrients to survive
Taking food and liquids into the body through the mouth
Breaking down food into smaller, simplermolecules that can be absorbed and used by the body
A series ofwave-likemusclecontractions that pushes and transport foods and liquids to the stomach
J-shaped and bag-like that secretes gastricjuices including hydrochloricacid and pepsin
Occursprimarily in the smallintestines, where nutrients from the digested food are absorbed into the bloodstream for distribution to cells throughout the body
Tiny and finger-like projections that contains blood capillaries
Process by which absorbed nutrients are incorporated into the cells and tissues of the body for use
Small intestines
Absorbs the nutrients and gets rid of the unnecessarycomponents from the foods
Large intestines
Completes absorption and compactswaste
Holds the poop or feces until it's time to release and it will now push out through the anus