Positives and negatives of hosting the olympics

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  • What does the symbol represent?
    The five rings represent the unions of the five continents
  • Positives of hosting the Olympics
    - Creates jobs in bars , taxis , hotels SO IT increases economic factors
    -Tourism more people spending money in shop , restaurants SO IT increases economic factors
    -Building new facilities for the local community- legacy
    -Attract sponsors
    -Regeneration of area , new roads , tube stations , athletes village becomes housing SO IT increases economic factors
  • negatives of hosting the Olympics
    - Jobs no longer exist after the games . SO IT cost the country in unemployment so a decline in economic factors
    -Displacement of people / animals to make way for new facilities
    -Building new facilities They might not be used after the games SO IT cost the country to close so decline in economic factors
    -Cost of security / policing / emergency services SO IT cost the country so a decline in economic factors
    -Local people can't afford to use facilities SO IT cost the country to close so decline in economic factors
    -Infrastructure can't cope - roads , hospitals , schools etc. So IT cost the country so decline in economic factors
  • The Olympic Creed
    " The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not to win but to take part . Just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle . The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well . " Baron De Coubertin .