AO1 Strange situation

    Cards (24)

    • What is the aim of Ainsworth’s study?
      To assess how securely attached a child is to its carer
    • The Strange Situation is a controlled observation
    • The strange situation takes place in a room with quite controlled conditions (i.e. a laboratory) with a two way mirror through which psychologists can observe the infant’s behaviour.
    • What are the behaviours used to judge attachment?
      Proximity seeking, exploration and secure base behaviour, stranger anxiety, separation anxiety, response to reunion
    • There were 7 stages each lasting 3 minutes
    • What is the 1st stage what does it observe?
      The caregiver enters the room and places the child on the floor and sits on a chair. The child is free to move. Secure base behaviour (exploration) and proximity is observed
    • What is the 2nd stage what does it observe?
      A stranger enters the room and tries to interact with the child. Observes stranger anxiety
    • What is the 3rd stage what does it observe?
      The caregiver leaves the room, leaving the baby and the stranger together. If the infant plays, the stranger observes without interaction. If the child is passive, the stranger attempts to interest them in the toy. if they show distress, the stranger attempts to comfort them.
      Observes separation and stranger anxiety
    • What is the 4th stage what does it observe?
      The caregiver returns and the stranger leaves. Observes reunion behaviour and exploration/secure base
    • What is the 5th stage what does it observe?
      The caregiver leaves the room and the baby is alone. Observe separation anxiety
    • What is the 6th stage what does it observe?
      The stranger returns and repeats behaviour mentioned in stage 3. Observe stranger anxiety
    • What is the 7th stage what does it observe?
      Strange leave the room and caregiver returns. Observe reunion behaviour
    • What are the three types os attachment identified
      Secure attachment, insecure avoidant, insecure resistant
    • Which attachment is type B?
      Secure attachment
    • Which attachment is type A?
      Insecure avoidant
    • Which attachment is type C?
      Insecure resistant
    • What are the characteristics of type B babies (secure)?
      Child is happy to explore but regularly go back to their caregiver (proximity seeking and secure base behaviour). They usually show moderate separation distress and moderate stranger anxiety.
    • Securely attached children require and accept comfort from the caregiver in the reunion stage.
    • About 60 to 75% of British toddlers are classified as secure.
    • What are the characteristic of type A babies (insecure avoidant)?
      These children explore freely but do not seek proximity or show secure base behaviour. They show little or no reaction when their caregiver leaves and they make little effort to make contact when the caregiver returns. They also show little stranger anxiety.
    • Type A babies do not require comfort at the reunion stage
    • About 20 to 25% of toddlers are classified as insecure avoidant
    • What are the characteristics of type C babies (insecure resistant)?
      These children seek greater proximity than others and so explore less. They show huge stranger and separation distress but they resist comfort when reunited with their carer.
    • Around 3% of British toddlers are classified as insecure-resistant.