climate change

Cards (7)

  • evidence for climate change?
    increasing storms
    rises temperatures
    rising sea levels
    glaciers melting
  • global warming impacts?
    drier conditions affect crops
    wildlife affected
  • causes of climate change?
    energy from sun
    change in ocean current
    volcanic eruptions
    fossil fuels - greenhouse effect
  • greenhouse effect
    1. heat hits earths atmosphere
    2. land + oceans absorb heat
    3. land + oceans radiate heat back into atmosphere
    4. greenhouses gases trap some heat
  • effects of climate change?
    spread of disease
    pressure for resources
    deaths from extreme weather
    responses to refugees
    cost of protecting communities
    cost of sea defences
    cost of protecting property + infrastructure
    higher food prices
  • mitigating climate change
    international agreements:
    kyoto protocol - cut CO2 emissions
    Paris agreement - limit global av. temp. rises to below 2 degrees
    alternative energy production:
    burn less fossil fuels - use solar, wind, nuclear, hydro-electric power instead
    carbon capture:
    filters capture CO2 as its emitted - compressed and transported into pipes underground.
    planting trees:
    trees absorb carbon emissions and release O2.
    carbon stores (but released when they die)
  • adapting to climate change
    changing agricultural systems:
    introducing irrigation
    drought resistant crops
    managing water supply:
    small scale - improving rainfall storage for farmers
    medium scale - introducing new tech to use water more efficiently
    large scale - desalination, use solar energy to make sea water drinkable, water recycling

    reducing risk from rising sea levels:
    retreat from at-risk coastal areas
    adapt buildings to withstand effects
    large scale flood barriers