
Cards (11)

  • A Ritual is actions or words said in a certain place or time.
  • Give one reason why people use rituals or symbols to mark past events in their lives ?
    to express and communicate events from their past in a deeper and
    more meaningful way than words allow
  • State one ritual or symbol that could be used to mark a past event from a person’s life and explain its meaning.
    Life event : Birthday.
    ritual : singing happy birthday to mark your friend becoming a year older.
  • Meaning of the ritual of singing happy birthday ;
    The ritual of singing happy birthday to mark a friend’s birthday and their transition into a new year of their life is to celebrate the existence and acknowledge their importance. It’s a way to signify well wishes and prosperity for them. It promotes a sense of unity as it brings friends/families together to celebrate the individual or people transitioning into a new age.
  • Organising an ceremony to mark the beginning of a new school year
    Planting a tree outside the school building
    meaning - represents growth and the start of a new beginning which is similar to starting a new school year as you’re going to grow in understanding this is similar to a tree. So as a tree starts from a seed and grows into a tree, your knowledge of things at the start of the year start off small but then it increases.
  • Religious ritual performed every day :
  • A religious ritual performed every day that expressses a religious belief
    ritual : Salah
    The ritual is performed five times a day. This prayer involves them reciting the (sura) opening chapter of the Qur’an,this is performed on a prayer mat. Their religious beliefs of the five pillars is expressed through this ritual,as the Salah is the second pillar.Muslims believe that by them praying and living according to the five pillars (which is the moral code) that they are fulfilling the will of Allah.
  • The importance of rituals
    • rituals faster a sense of unity and community among believers as people gather and participate in the religious ritual, for example wedding. Weddings are communal as many people are coming together to celebrate the married couple as they have now become one.
    • It expresses and communicates events in a deeper and meaningful way for example baptism, After babies are baptised they are wrapped around in a white garment this symbolises pureness and innocence.
  • Wedding ; Christianity :
    The first element of a wedding ritual in Christianity is the exchange of vow the express this publicly. The second element is the exchange of rings after has been blessed by the priest.The priest then prays for the couple and reads scriptures. Another element of the wedding is the unity candle as it signifies the joining of the individuals into one.
  • Baptism ; A baptism is celebrating The arrival of a new baby. Symbols are very important in this ceremony. Readings from the Bible are read This symbolises the word of God. The priest also delivers a sermon about baptism. The priest anoints the baby using the oil catechumens as a sign of strength and the symbol for being the chosen one.
  • The baptism happens and holy water is poured over the baby’s head this symbolises new life and the forgiveness of sins. Babies are wrapped in a white shawl to symbolises pureness and innocence this also happens during the baptism. Candles are also lit this symbolises Jesus being the light of the world.