Rate of reaction is the change of concentration/amount of a reactant or product per unit time.
Reactions can only occur when collisions take place between particles with sufficient energy (activation energy) and correct orientation.
Rate of reaction = amount of reactant used or product made / time
Activation energy is the minimum amount of energy needed for a reaction to occur.
Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution shows the energy in gas particles.
The Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution curve has number of molecules on the y-axis and kinetic energy on the x-axis. The graph starts at (0,0) as no particles have zero kinetic energy,
The area under a Maxwell-Boltzmann curve is equal to the totalnumber of molecules.
The peak on the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve represents the most likely energy of a particle in the sample.
The mean energy the particles have is slightly right to the peak on the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve.
The temperature of a system affects the shape of the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve.
As temperature increases, the peak moves further right along the x-axis and is lower.
The area under the curve is the same, but the area under curve beyond the activation energy increases.
The temperature of a system affects the shape of the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve.
As temperature decreases, the peak shifts to the left and is higher.
The area under the curve is the same, but the area under curve beyond the activation energy decreases.
How does increased temperature affect rate of reaction?
particles have higherKE
particles move around faster, so higher frequency of successful collisions as particles collide with high energy that may be above their activationenergy
increases rate of reaction
How does increased pressure affect rate of reaction?
greater number of particles in a givenvolume so particles are closer together
higher frequency of collisions
increases rate of reaction
How does increased concentration affect rate of reaction?
more particles in a given volume
leads to higher frequency of collisions
increases rate of reaction
How does a catalyst affect rate of reaction?
provides an alternate reaction pathway that has a lower activation energy
increases rate of reaction
Catalysts are chemically unchanged (not used up) during the reaction and speed up the rate of reaction.
Catalysts affects the shape of the Maxwell-Boltzmann curve.
activation energy shifts to left
this increases area under curve beyond activationenergy
How can rate of reaction be measured during experiments?
how long it takes for precipitate to form
draw a cross on paper and place under a conicalflask, time how long it takes for cross to disappear
amount of mass lost
place reaction on balance and measure massloss as gas lost for reactions that produce a gas
volume of gas produced
measure amount of gas produced using a gassyringe, measure over a specified time
Explain why a small increase in temperature causes a large increase in the rate of reaction.
many more particles have energy equal to or aboveactivation energy
greater frequency of successful collisions
At fixed temperatures the average kinetic energy of gases is constant.