Face east - Sun rises in the east as Jesus rose on the day of the resurrection
Cruciform Structure - shaped in the form of the cross from a bird's eye view
High ceilings - gives sense of heaven and the 'size' of God: feeling small in His presence
Spire - draws the eyes up toward heaven: connects heaven and earth
How are churches used
Celebrating Sacraments
Private Prayer & Contemplation
Popular Piety
Church features
Lectern - book stand which readings are shared: liturgy of the word is important part of mass as redemption is achieved through responding to Word of God
Altar - table that is the focal point of every church: represents table of the Lastsupper.Salvation is received because of Jesus sacrifice at the Last Supper
Tabernacle - box where consecratedhost is kept (Body of Christ): 'dwelling place of Jesus'
Sacred objects
Chalice - Blood of Christ
Ciborium - Body of Christ
Sarcophagus - box-like container usually for the bodies of dead Church leaders as reminders of mortality & need for prayer
Relics - items associated with dead saints used to inspire prayer and contemplation
Rosary beads - to aid in prayer 'like holding he hand of Mary'
Candles - give focus during contemplation
Purpose of art in Catholic churches
To learn and relate to biblical stories or events
Used as a focus for prayer, meditation and contemplation
Visual expressions of faith portraying the teachings of the Church
Icons of Mary, Jesus, Saints and Angels remind Catholics of the human aspect and to inspire all through their lives as real people
Examples of art
The Sistine Chapel (Michelangelo)
The Return of the Prodigal Son (Rembrandt)
Role of sculptures and statues
Remind of individual stories for people of faith
Usually bear symbols relevant to that person e.g. Sacred Heart of Jesus - pierced heart
They are NOT WORSHIPPED by Catholics but used to inspire faith
Kneel before them
Touch or Kiss them
Light a candle before them
Pray before them
Meditate or contemplate
Symbols & imagery
Used to express deeper meaning of their faith
Crucifix - suffering, sacrifice, hope of Jesus death and resurrection
The Fish - ICHTUS meaning fish but an acronym for Jesus Christ God Son Saviour
The Alpha & Omega - beginning and end: Jesus says "I am the Alpha and omega" - Revelations
Drama used to express faith
Used to bring Bible stories to life
Mystery plays help people to relate bible stories to their everyday lives
Passion Plays reveal the human nature and suffering of Jesus in real life scenarios to engage people in the real meaning of His death & resurrection
Drama engages all people on an emotional level
The CCC describes the relationship between God and His people as 'covenant drama' that 'engages the heart'
Drama unites all people as everyone can relate to the power of plays
Music used to express faith
Allow congregation to join in worship
Help to understand the faith of the Church through song
Used to invigorate the Masses and other forms of popular piety
Plainchant: Singing without music - popular in monasteries with Monks and Nuns
Hymns: Religious songs for praise, adoration and as form of prayer. Usually linked to Church teachings and Bible stories
Worship Songs: More modern forms of music. Used in charismatic Churches and with young people to engage and inspire worship
CCC: 'The Church building is an important symbol of God'
CCC 1184: 'The dignity of the Word of God requires the church to have a suitable place for announcing his message'
CCC: 'They are to be exhibited (displayed) in the holy churches of God'
CCC: 'Evokes and glorifies, in faith and adoration, the transcendent mystery of God'
CCC 2567: 'The CCC describes the relationship between God and His people as 'covenant drama' that 'engages the heart''
CCC 2641: 'Music engages the heart in worship "make melody to the Lord with all your heart"'
CCC 1156: 'Music increases the value of prayer: "He who sings once, prays twice"'