Behaviorism: Theory that behavior can be measured, trained, and changed.
Cognitive psychology : Study and application of how the brain works
Albert Bandura: Social cognitive theory --> peoples motivations are influenced by their social environment. People learn behaviors by observing and mimicking
Humanism: Individual behavior is related to internal feeling and self concept.
Sigmund Freud: Psychoanalytic theory --> Unconscious mind controls our thoughts and actions. Id (pleasure seeking), Ego (reality based), Superego (moral values).
Abraham Maslow: The hierarchy of needs. People are motivated to achieve their needs. One MUST accomplish one step to move on to the next.
Types of parental influence:
Direct interaction: Direct communication and transfer of knowledge
Emotional identification: Identify with parents emotional status
Eating disorders: Parental views on weight, family history, high expectations
Criminal behavior: Parent violent behavior, Weak verbal communication and family bond, neglectful families
Runaway teens: Escaping unhealthy family environment, poor family relationship
Conformity: Changing one's behavior/attitude in order to follow what other beliefs or guidelines of other people in a group
Factors affecting conformity:
Group attractiveness: How much do I want to fit in with these people? Lower the social position more likely to conform
Group unanimity: The pressure to conform due to group agreement (lot's of people are agreeing)
Public vs private response: In front of other who can hear your opinions or privately where no one knows.
Nature of task: Something you are an expert in you may not conform vs something you are unsure of and not too educated in
Deindividuation: People who disassociate from their own identity when immersed in group environments
What is Bystander Apathy?
A witness to an event who does not intervene and has lack of interest/emotional response
Why does bystander apathy occur?
Assume someone else will help the issue
Scared for personal safety
Don't have time to weigh the alternative
No "practiced" response
They might get in trouble
Factors which influence bystander apathy:
Notice of incident
Are you in a group or alone?
Are other people already helping?
Does the attacker have a weapon or could over power you?
Am I going to be embarrassed of I help?
Instinct Theory: Unlearned and involuntary processes direct our behavior
Drive-reduction Theory: Physiological needs creates drives which motivate us to satisfy them
Intrinsic Motivation: Desire to perform a task due to internal factors (To better ourselves) which motivate us to perform a task (Do it for the sake of doing it)
Extrinsic Motivation: Desire to preform a tasks due to external factors such as a reward or punishment
Negativity Bias: The tendency to remember negative events more vividly than positive events.
Striving for perfection: The desire to achieve the highest possible level of performance
Theories on changing behavior:
Consistency: Correlation between attitudes and behavior
Learning: Study the effect of stimuli and no stimuli on emotional response
Social judgment: How the perception of persuasive messages influence that persuasion
Functional: Change an attitude by explaining its function
Aspects of social thinking:
Attribution theory: Linking behaviors based in what you observe in personalities or external situation (judging a book by its cover)
Fundamental attribution error: Tendency to overestimate the impacts of personality and underestimate social influence when analyzing behaviors (Quiet person being loud at a party)
Stereotypes: Preconceived beliefs about people
Facial expression: Non-verbal communicate of peoples feelings and thoughts
Introvert: Find it draining to be around other people, direct interests inwards to themselves
Extrovert: People person, direct their interest outwards
Highly sensitive people: Need minimal auditory stimuli and are sensitive to other peoples moods
Overcoming shyness: Anxious and nervous around people
Environmental influences help
Encouragement from parents
Mental illness: A disorder of the mind that affects a person's thinking, feeling, and behavior.
Stigma: Belief which leads to social disgrace of a person or quality
Behavioral change model:
Pre-contemplation(Don't see the issue) and contemplation (recognize I have an issue)
Nature vs Nurture: The conflict between the genes and the environment.
Nurture: The environment you grow up in has an effect on you.
Nature: Passing down of trait/genes from generation to generation
Feral children: Unwanted by their parents, deserted at a young age, and are raised by animals