Types of data

    Cards (10)

    • Define 'quantitative data'
      Data that can be counted usually given as numbers
    • Evaluate 'quantitative data'
      Strengths: easy to analyse and compare, less bias & more objective
      Weaknesses: less representative and detailed & lacks external validity
    • Define 'qualitative data'
      Data that can be expressed in words
    • Evaluate 'qualitative data'
      Strengths: detailed, meaningful insight & external validity
      Weaknesses: biased, difficult to analyse & less objective
    • Define 'primary data'
      Information that has been obtained first hand by a researcher for the purposes of a research project
    • Evaluate 'primary data'
      Strengths: fits the job, authentic & specific
      Weaknesses: time consuming, requires planning & effort
    • Define 'secondary data'
      Information that has already been collected by someone else
    • Evaluate 'secondary data'
      Strengths: cost effective & easy to access
      Weaknesses: substantial variation in quality, can be outdated & incomplete
    • Define 'meta analysis'
      The process of combining the findings from a number of studies on a particular topic to produce an overall statistical conclusion
    • Evaluate 'meta analysis'
      Strengths: generalisable & high validity
      Weaknesses: biased