Power and conflict Quotations

Cards (107)

  • The hand that mocked and the heart that fed. - Ozymandias
  • Half sunken, a shattered visage whose frown, a wrinkled lip and a sneer of cold command. - Ozymandias
  • King of kings - Ozymandias
  • The lone levels of sand stretch far away. - Ozymandias
  • Boundless and bare - Ozymandias
  • Mind-forged manacles. - London
  • Every blackening church appals - London
  • And blights with plague the marriage hearse. - London
  • Runs in blood down palace walls. - London
  • A huge peak, black and huge - The prelude
  • I struck and struck again, And growing in stature the grim shape. - The prelude
  • Small circles glittering idly in the moon. -The prelude
  • Proud of his skill. - The prelude
  • dim and undetermined sense of unknown modes of being - The prelude
  • That’s my last duchess painted on the wall - My last duchess
  • That spot of joy - My last duchess
  • Too easily impressed; she liked whatever she looked on - My last duchess
  • Her looks went everywhere - My last duchess
  • My gift of a nine hundred year old name - My last Duchess
  • Half flush that dies along her throat - My last duchess
  • Valley of death. Biblical reference of soldiers bravery David and Goliath fight takes place in a valley - The charge of the light brigade
  • Flashed all their sabres bare - The charge of the light brigade
  • horse and hero fell, They had fought so well - The charge of the light brigade
  • Where can their glory fade? O the wild charge they made! - The charge of the light brigade

  • Came thro the jaws of death Back from the mouth of hell - The charge of the light brigade
  • Honour the charge they made! Honour the light brigade, Noble six hundered - The charge of the light brigade
  • Volley’d and thunder’d. Shatter’d and sunder’d - The charge of the light brigade
  • Our brains ache, in the merciless iced east winds that knive us… - Exposure
  • Sudden successive flights of bullets streak the silence. - Exposure
  • flowing flakes that flock - Exposure
  • For love of God seems dying - Exposure
  • All their eyes are ice, But nothing happens. - Exposure
  • Slowly our ghosts drag home: glimpsing the sunk fires - Exposure
  • Since we believe not otherwise can kind fires burn; - Exposure
  • We are prepared: we build our houses squat - Storm on the island
  • Can raise a tragic chorus in a gale So that you can listen to the thing you fear - Storm on the island
  • Spits like a tame cat Turned savage - Storm on the island
  • It is a huge nothing that we fear - Storm on the island
  • We are bombarded by the empty air - Storm on the island
  • Suddenly he awoke and he was running - Bayonet Charge