1.3.3 Public Goods

Cards (8)

  • Public goods are non-excludable and non-rival.
  • Public goods are under provided in a free market because of the free-rider problem.
  • Characteristics of a Public Good
    1. Non-rival
    2. Non-excludable
  • Non-rival means that the consumption of a gold by one person does not effect the amount available to others.
  • Non-excludable means that no one can be excluded from consuming the good.
  • The free-rider problem occurs with public goods, because people who do not pay for the good still receive the benefit from it.
  • Public goods are underprovided because it is difficult to measure the value consumers receive from them so there is no market for them as they are not profitable.
  • Quasi public goods have characteristics of both public and private goods and are partially provided by the free market.