Resistance to Social Influence

Cards (15)

  • Name a way to resist S.I
    • Social Support
  • How does Social Support help to resist Conformity?
    • Can be reduced when other people not conforming is present
    • Asch study -> person not conforming doesn't have to give right answer but just to have someone else there who doesn't follow majority --> acts as a 'model'
    • THIS enables p. to be free & follow own conscious
  • How does Social Support help resist Obedience?
    • pressure to obey reduced if someone else is seen to disobey
    • MILGRAM Variation - obedience fell 65% -> 10% when a disobeying confederate joined
    • participant might not follow disobedient behaviour but sees them as a 'model' & able to act on own conscious
  • What is Locus of Control?
    A concept - the extent which people believe they have control over their own lives
  • Who came up with the idea of LoC?
    Julian Rotter
  • Give an example of having Internal LoC.
    If we did good on an exam - the belief that we did well is because we revised hard for it
  • Give an example of External LoC.
    If did well on exam - the belief we did well is because the textbook we used was good/blame it on luck
  • Which is more likely to resist S.I? Internal or External?
  • Why is Internal LoC more likely to resist?
    -> Takes responsibility for their actions and act on their own value
    • Self confident
    • Less need for social approval
  • Why is External LoC more likely to conform/obey?
    -> believe what happens to them is due to external factors - have no control over
  • What is LoC of? (scale)
    • Continuum
    • If ELoC - outcome out of our control - everything is determined by fate
    • If ILoC - outcome is within our control - determined by how hard we work
    • In between - low ELoC/ILoC

    -> Albrecht - 8 week program that provided help to pregnant teens - resist pressure to smoke
    --> Social Support - by someone older - significantly less to smoke than control group
    • Can also prevent doing other dangerous/damaging behaviour during preg -> will reduce baby having health problems
    • Financially beneficial - focus on other resources than medical issues as its prevented in advance
  • STRENGTH (SS) - Research Support

    ->Gamson et al - had people work in groups to gather evidence to help an oil company run a smear campaign
    --> Had higher levels of resistance than in Milgram study - due to being in groups?
    • 88% rebelled - peer support links to greater resistance - obedience
  • STRENGTH (LoC) - Research support

    -> HOLLAND - Repeated Milgram's study - measured participants if they had Internal or External
    --> 37% internals did not continue to the highest level of shock
    --> 23% externals did not continue to highest level
    • Internals show greater resistance to authority -> ignored the prompts
    • Increases validity on LOC
  • LIMITATION (LOC) Limited Explanation

    -> Rotter - LOC only could be used in novel situations than familiar situations
    --> if situation is done in the past - most likely will repeat the behaviour from back then
    • LOC can only work in novel situation - new decision