Abner Doubleday inventedthe game during thesummer of 1839 in Cooperstown, New York.
The first baseball game was played in Hoboken, New Jersey , on June 19, 1846
It was played between New York Nine and New York Knickerbockers.
The New York Ninedefeated the Knickerbockers, 23-1 in 4 innings.
Alexander Cartwright devisedthe first set of official rulesfor baseball.
A baseball game consists of twoteams who alternate betweenoffense and defense. There are nineplayers on each side. The goal is to score more runs than the opponent in nine innings. If there is a tie after nine innings, they will play until the tie is broken.
The part of the fieldclosest to the bases iscalled the INFIELD.
The grassy field passedthe infield is called the OUTFIELD.
The bases are 90ft aparton the infield, also knownas the diamond.
The PITCHER (1) standsDEFENSE Positionson the mound andthrows the ball to thecatcher in attempt tomake the batter eitherswing and miss or elseput the ball in play sothat it can be caught bya defensive player (inwhich case the batter is"out")
The CATCHER (2)squats behind homeplate and catches thepitcher's throws; alsothrows to bases to throwout players trying tosteal those bases, aswell as fields the areaaround home plate.
FIRST BASEMAN (3)fields the area near firstbase
SECOND BASEMAN (4)fields the area between1st and 2nd base.
THIRD BASEMAN (5)fields the area nearthird base.
SHORT STOP (6) fieldsthe area between 2ndand 3rd base.
LEFT FIELD (7) fieldsthe portion of theoutfield that's on theleft side of the batterwhen he faces the field.
CENTER FIELD (8)fields the middleportion of the outfield.
RIGHT FIELD (9) fieldsthe portion of theoutfield that's on theright side of the batterwhen he faces the field.
FORCE OUT- When the ball is hit, thedefensive player with the ball reaches abase before the runner.
FLY OUT– when a batter hits the ball inthe air, and its caught by a defensiveplayer before the ball hits the ground.
GROUND OUT- when the batter hitsthe ball to the infielder and the infielderthrows the ball to the first base beforethe batter reaches first base.
TAG OUTS - when a runner is touchedwith the ball or a glove with the ball on it
The Pitcher could also record an out bygetting the batter to swing and miss 3times called strikeout
THROWING - the mostbasic skill in baseball. Itallows the team to preventtheir opponents fromreaching bases or scoringruns. Style and techniquediffer from player toplayer.
PITCHING- the skill thatputs the game to play. It isperformed by a pitcher,one of the key players inbaseball/softball who stayat the center of the playingfield called diamond.
GRIP- grip the ball acrossthe seams with yourindex and middle finger.The thumb is under thetop finger.
WIND-UP - Raise thethrowing arm up and turnthe shoulder in thedirection of the throw.The gloved hand pointstoward the batter. Raisethe front foot and placeall weight of the body onthe back foot.
DELIVERY make abackward swing withbent elbows; leanforward in transferringweight to the front footand release the ball.
FOLLOW-THROUGH point the throwing armdown-forward, putthe feet parallel in a readyposition.
FIELDING – a defensiveskill used to receive abatted ball and hold abase runner or batter fromproceeding or prevent theopponent from earning a run
FOLLOW-THROUGH after the release of theball, continue the forwardmotion, with the throwingarm pointing to thetarget.
STRIDE- take a stride orwide step with the leftfoot. Release the ball.
HITTING/BATTING- this isan offensive skill used tostrike the pitched ballusing a bat. The aspect ofbaseball that draws manyyoung players to the gameis the idea of hitting abaseball squarely.
GRIP- use your fingers ingripping the bat andtighten your grip as theball approaches.
STANCE- proper stanceincludes slightly bendingyour knees, feet parallelto the plates in shoulderwidth distance, and battilted at 45° and notpositioned over theshoulder.
STRIDE - as the ballapproaches, stride thefront foot a littlebackward to gainmomentum.
SWING after a littlestride backward, transferthe strength generated bythe body towards thearms to bat as it swingsparallel to the groundaiming at the ball anddirecting it to theintended destination.
BASE RUNNING this isavery important skill youneed to master because itallows you to advanceFely from one base toanother with full speedand agility.