
Cards (11)

  • Proper Noun - name of specific.
  • Common Noun - name of general.
  • Concrete Noun - nouns that can perceive by our senses (hear, taste, touch, smell, & sight).
  • Abstract Noun - Intangible (ex. love, loyalty, & honesty).
  • Count Noun - nouns that can be counted.
  • Non-count Noun - nouns that cannot be counted (ex. hair, stars, suns, sugar).
  • Cross-over Noun - Non-count but can be counted (ex. 1 sack of rice).
  • Mass Noun - these are nouns that has no plural forms.
  • Collective Noun - group of nouns (ex. battalion of army, bunch of chocolates).
  • Compound Noun - combination of two or more noun (ex. basketball, mother-in-law).
  • Possessive Noun - apostrophe "s"