Keeping the gods pleased to protect the population.
What was the mandate of heaven?
Right to rule the people because God told them to.
What was a clan?
A division of a tribe tracing descent from a common ancestor.
Whas were oracle bones?
Scratched bones with questions, heated metal rods were put into the bones which cracked the bones and someone would read the cracks to see the answer to the question.
What was aristocracy?
An upper class whose wealth was based on land.
What was Dao?
The correct/devine way.
What is reincarnation?
Belief in being reborn as a different person.
When did the Shang Dynasty rule?
1750-1045 BC
When did the Zhou Dynasty rule?
1046-256 BC
When did the Tang Dynasty rule?
1160-? AD
When did the Yuan Dynasty (Mongols) Rule?
?-1386 AD
When did the Ming Dynasty rule?
1368-1644 AD
Shang Dynasty
Clans, Class system, Stone + Bronze tools
Zhou Dynasty
Mandate of Heaven, Money economy, first books, livestock as labor.
Tang Dynasty
Unifying tribes, building an army, empire divided amongst sons when the king dies
Yuan Dynasty (Mongols)
Cycle of decline, corruption, hated rule, brought Marco Polo
Ming Dynasty
Returns to confucian ideals, trade + culture expand, more books
What physical features have altered Chinese history and how?
There are many rivers, but only about 10% of the land is available for farming. Flooding brings water and fertile soul, but brings great destruction.
How are the Mandate of Heaven and the dynastic cycle connected?
The rise of dynasties are caused by the Mandates of Heaven.
How did Marco Polo change European views of China?
Made them look into future endeavors.
How was Chinese society structures?
Who leaded Confucianism?
The leader was Confucius.
Who leaded Legalism?
Shen Buha
Who leaded Daoism?
Who leaded Buddhism?
Siddhartha Gautama
What were the Buddhism teachings?
Finding the negative things.
What were the major ideas of Confucianism?
Politics and ethics over spirituality, Duty and Humanity
What were the major ideas of Legalism?
Humans are evil by nature, government solves peoples problems, good rules - good people.
What were the major ideas of Daoism?
Doesn't concern itself with the universe, normal human behavior.
What were the major ideas of Buddhism?
Believed in reincarnation, but not in the caste system. Dukkha - life is suffering.