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  • Here's what you'll find in this Lesson:
  • Rizal left the Philippines for the first time. He went to Spain in board of SS Salvadora
  • Rizal's reasons for going to Europe
    • To finish his studies
    • Fulfill his "secret mission"
  • Shortly after his departure, his farewell letters for his beloved parents and for his sweetheart were both delivered
  • Rizal: 'But as god has not made anything useless in this world, as all beings fulfill obligations or a role in the sublime drama of creation, I cannot exempt myself from this duty and small though it be, I have mission to fill, as for example: alleviating the suffering of my fellow-men. I realize that all this means, sacrifices, and terrible ones. I imagine the pain which I must give you, but I feel something that obligues and impels me to leave. I shall strive with fate, and I shall win or lose . . . God's will will be done.'
  • Rizal reached Barcelona, Spain in June 1882
  • Rizal's view of Barcelona

    An ugly city but a "City of Freedom and Liberalism"
  • El Amor Patrio
    Rizal's first nationalistic essay written outside the Philippines, meaning "Pag-ibig sa Tinubuang Lupa"
  • El Amor Patrio was published at "Diariong Tagalog" on August 1882 under the pen-name "Laong Laan"
  • Diariong Tagalog
    Founded by Marcelo del Pilar
  • Upon hearing the Cholera outbreak in the Philippines and Paciano's advise to finish his medical course in Madrid, Rizal left Barcelona and went to Madrid, the capital of Spain
  • November 3, 1882 Rizal enrolled at Universidad Central de Madrid
  • Rizal's studies in Madrid
    • Medicine
    • Philosophy and Letters
  • Rizal joined the Masonic Lodge Acacia in March 1883 and became a member of Gran Oriente Espanyol under the name "Dimasalang"
  • June 21, 1884 Rizal received the degree of Licentiate in Medicine
  • The next academic year, 1884-1885 Rizal enrolled and passed all subjects leading to Doctor of Medicine but did not present his thesis at the same year nor paid the corresponding fees
  • Reason for Rizal not presenting his thesis
    Due to financial and land problems in Laguna
  • Rizal received the degree of Licentiate in Philosophy and letters
  • June 19, 1885 Rizal became full-fledged Physician, qualified to practice medicine
  • First Visit to Paris
    November 1885 - February 1886
  • On his way to Paris, Rizal stopped at Barcelona to visit his friend, Maximo Viola, a medical student and a member of rich family from San Miguel, Bulacan
  • Rizal worked as an assistant to Dr. Louis de Weckert, a leading ophthalmologist in France
  • Rizal: 'With respect to the study of the ailments of the eyes, I am doing well. I know how to perform all the operations; I only need to know what is going on inside the eye, which requires much practice'
  • Throughout his leisure times in Paris, Rizal relaxed by visiting his friends such as the Family of Pardo de Taveras that gave him a chance to be a model on Luna's paintings, "The Death of Cleopatra" (he modeled as an Egyptian priest) and "The Blood Compact" (he modeled as Sikatuna)
  • Paris to Berlin
    Rizal went to Paris and Germany in order to specialize in ophthalmology
  • Rizal met in Paris and Germany
    • Dr. Feodor Jagor
    • Dr. Adolph B. Meyer
    • Dr. Hans Meyer
    • Dr. Rudolf Virchow
  • Maximo Viola
    A medical student from San Miguel Bulacan
  • Señor Eusebio Corominas
    Editor of the newspaper La Publicidad, made a crayon sketch of Don Miguel Morayta
  • November 1885 - Rizal was living in Paris
  • Dr. Louis de Weckert
    Leading French ophthalmologist where Rizal worked as an assistant about four months
  • Rizal relaxed by visiting his friends, such as the family of the Pardo deTaveras (Trinidad, Felix, and Paz), Juan Luna and Félix Resurrección Hidalgo
  • Rizal helped Luna by Posing as Model in several paintings, including "The Death of Cleopatra" where he posed as an Egyptian Priest and "The Blood Compact" where he posed as Sikatuna
  • Rizal as a musician

    He had no natural aptitude for music, but he was a flutist in various impromptu reunions of Filipinos in Paris. Some of his compositions are: "Alin Mang Lahi" (Any Race) and "La Deportacion" (Deportation)
  • In Historic Heidelberg
    February 1, 1886 - April 22, 1886
  • Rizal was a good chess player and became a member of Chess Players Club
  • Rizal worked at the University of Heidelberg under the direction of Dr. Otto Becker
  • Rizal's favorite flower
    Forget-me-not (the light blue)
  • April 22, 1886- Rizal wrote a fine poem A Las Flores de Heidelberg (To the Flower of Heidelberg)
  • Protestant Pastor Dr. Karl Ullmer
    Where Rizal stayed at the vicarage of their house and who become his good friend and admirer