GI Phys 3

Cards (22)

  • four processes of the GI tract
    1.) motility
    2.) secretion
    3.) digestion
    4.) absorption
  • first motility of the mouth and pharynx
    chewing (mastication) = grind food to increase surface area
    • mix with saliva to aid taste (chemoreception)
    • dissolve and liberate
  • first motility of the mouth and pharynx
    voluntary skeletal muscles, but utilizes complex brainstem pattern
    • generators to organize and coordinate all the movements
    • lots of contact stimuli to get the patterns going and maintain movements within the mouth (e.g. using the tongue)
  • secretion of the mouth and pharynx
    saliva = variety of functions
    • from three pairs of salivary glands
    • sublingual salivary gland
    • submandibular salivary gland
    • parotid salivary gland
  • how does the autonomic nervous system affect secretion of saliva?
    Parasympathetic: lots, thin, watery, breaks down food
    Sympathetic: little, thick, viscous, not good for dissolving food
  • water component in saliva
    99% of the saliva; moistens food and dissolves molecules to facilitate chemoreception
  • mucus component in saliva
    lubricates food and facilitates formation of a bolus for swallowing
  • HCO3- component in saliva
    neutralizes acids in foods and bacterial metabolites
  • lysozyme component in saliva
    kills bacteria to maintain health of gums and teeth
  • amylase component in saliva
    begins the digestion of polysaccharides (carbohydrates)
  • lipase component in saliva
    begins the digestion of triglycerides and identifies fatty food source
  • second motility of mouth and pharynx
    swallowing (deglutition) = propels food to stomach
    • two-phase process organized by a brainstem "swallow center"
  • oropharyngeal phase
    first part
    • begins with voluntary closing of lips and elevation of tongue
    • irreversible reflex when bolus contacts back of oral cavity
  • oropharyngeal phase
    second part
    • irreversible reflex when bolus contacts back of oral cavity
    • soft palate and uvula elevate to block off nasal passage
  • oropharyngeal phase
    third part
    • soft palate and uvula elevate to block off nasal passage
    • larynx elevates & bolus flattens epiglottis over glottis
    • UES opens
    • (i.e. smooth muscle relaxes)
  • oropharyngeal phase
    fourth part
    • larynx elevates, bolus flattens epiglottis over glottis, UES opens
    • UES closes rapidly. reducing eventual eructation, borborygmi, and flatuation
  • esophageal phase
    peristaltic wave
    • propulsion only organized/regulated by brainstem
    • takes 5-9 seconds
  • what does the local stretch of esophagus activate?
    secondary waves of peristalsis that increase propulsion of bolus (stronger)
  • the first _/_ of esophagus is skeletal; all smooth muscle until anus after
  • LES or "cardiac" sphincter relaxes & bolus enters stomach
    weak LES gives rise to acid reflux = heartburn
  • secretion of esophagus
    mucus = makes GI tract slippery and buffers acidity
    • protects the GI tract wall
    • buffers acidity with bicarbonate
  • digestion and absorption of the esophagus
    essentially none = not enough time or enzymes
    • for mechanical digestion to take place