Metabolism 2

Cards (34)

    • protein synthesis
    • amino acids -> proteins
    • lipogenesis
    • glycerol 3-phosphate and fatty acids -> triglyceride
    • glycogenesis
    • glucose -> glycogen
    absorptive state (actions in insulin)
  • glucose -> CO2 + H2O + energy in most cells

    absorptive state (actions of insulin)
  • excess glucose -> glycogen and fat (triglycerides) in liver
    • low fat foods NOT helping!

    absorptive state (actions of insulin)
    • proteolysis
    • proteins -> amino acids
    • lipolysis
    • triglyceride -> glycerol and fatty acids
    • glycogenolysis
    • glycogen -> glucose
    post-absorptive state (results of decreased insulin)
  • fatty acids and ketones -> CO2 + H2O + energy in most cells
    • "glucose sparing" (for NS)

    post-absorptive state (results of decreased insulin)
  • pyruvate, lactate, glycerol, and amino acids -> glucose in liver and kidney
    • gluconeogenesis (creation of new glucose)

    post-absorptive state (results of decreased insulin)
  • secretion into duct and lumen

    exocrine portion of pancreas
  • Islets of Langerhans
    endocrine portion of pancreas
  • secrete insulin (peptide hormone)
    • anabolic/net storage
    • stimulates absorptive rxns
    • inhibits postabsorptive rxns
    beta cells
  • secrete glucagon (peptide hormone)
    • catabolic/mobilization
    • stimulates postabsorptive state
    • inhibits absorptive state rxns

    alpha cells
  • plasma glucose controls secretion
    • insulin is ___ _________ by the pituitary
    not regulated (no three gland cascade)
  • increase in plasma insulin ->

    - ^ glucose uptake in adipocytes and muscle
    - ceases cessation of glucose output; net glucose uptake
  • this also increases # of amino acid transporters
    • absorptive/net storage
  • this doesn't need insulin for glucose transport!
    • insulin-independent Glut-2 transporter

    the brain
  • in exercising muscles, glucose transporters go to membrane _______ insulin stimulation
    • why exercise helps improve conditions for type II diabetics
  • mechanism of insulin action in muscle and fat cells
    • induce insertion of Glut-4
    • ^ ICF glucose
    • note membrane turnover, not permanent placement
    • increase in transport max is transient
    • this does NOT occur in renal epithelial cells
    • TM for nephron does not change
  • the effect on insulin when ^ plasma glucose
    ^ insulin secretion from pancreatic islet beta cells
  • the effect on insulin when ^ plasma amino acids
    ^ insulin secretion from pancreatic islet beta cells
  • the effect on insulin when Incretins are present; e.g. GIP feed-forward

    ^ insulin secretion from pancreatic islet beta cells
  • the effect on insulin when there's plasma epinephrine from sympathetic activity
    • fight or flight
    • mobilize fuel, not store, oppose insulin secretion
    decreased insulin secretion from the pancreatic islet beta cells
  • the effect on insulin when ^ parasympathetic activity (Ach on M-AchR)
    • rest and digest
    • store fuel
    ^ insulin secretion from the pancreatic islet beta cells
  • glucagon is ___ _________ by the pituitary
    • plasma glucose controls secretion
    not regulated
  • glucose mobilizing
    • supported by other signals
    during post-absorptive state
  • hypoglycemia
    low blood glucose
  • epinephrine stimulates glycogenolysis in both liver and skeletal muscle, whereas glucagon does so only in the liver
  • glucagon stimulates

    glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis
  • epinephrine stimulates

    glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis, and lipolysis
  • cortisol stimulates

    gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and inhibition of glucose uptake by muscle cells and adipose tissue cells
  • growth hormone stimulates

    gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, and inhibition of glucose uptake by muscle cells and adipose tissue cells
  • redundancy in hormone regulation ensures fuel substrates are always available to burn
  • insulin is unique; it stands alone in its role of glucose regulation
    it is the only hormone that protects against ______ plasma glucose
  • at resting baseline, basal concentrations are permissive for stimulation of glucogenesis and lipolysis in the postabsorptive state

    effect of cortisol on organic metabolism
  • during increasing stress, increased plasma concentrations cause:
    • increased protein catabolism
    • increased gluconeogenesis
    • decreased glucose uptake by muscle cells and adipose-tissue cells
    • increased triglyceride breakdown

    effect of cortisol on organic metabolism
  • net result: increased plasma concentrations of amino acids, glucose, and free fatty acids

    effect of cortisol on organic metabolism