Kidney Video

Cards (16)

  • 25% of blood leaving the left ventricle enters the kidneys
  • three layers of the glomerular capillary wall
    1.) endothelial
    2.) basement membrane
    3.) epithelial - contains foot processes
  • some substances that can be filtered through the epithelial cell layer
    sugars, urea, amino acids
  • intermediate sized proteins are blocked at the ________ ________ cell layer
    basement membrane
  • large proteins are blocked at the __________ cell layer

  • what are two forces that promote glomerular filtration?
    1.) P(BS) (10 mmHg)
    2.) pi plasma (20 mmHg)
  • on average, 2/3 of filtered solutes and water is reabsorbed into the capillaries
  • the descending limb is permeable to H2O which begins to concentrate the urine
  • solute is transported out of the ascending limb
  • which two solutes create the medullary concentration gradient?
    sodium chloride and urea
  • ADH is released from the pituitary in response to dehydration, which makes the collecting duct permeable to water and urea; this helps to conserve water
  • acidosis augments the secretion of H+ ions
  • sodium reabsorption and K+ secretion can also take place in the distal tubule
  • renin produces angiotensin, which controls the rate of aldosterone secretion
  • aldosterone functions to increase the amount of Na+ reabsorbed and K+ secreted
  • there are 1 million nephrons in each kidney