
Cards (15)

  • Microbiology
    The study of organisms that individually are too small to be seen by the naked eye
  • Great minds have contributed to the discovery and evolution of microbiology, and its relationship to medicine and other areas of biology
  • Roman philosopher Lucretius (98-55 BC) and Girolamo Fracastoro (1478-1553)

    They suggested that a disease was caused by "invisible living creatures"
  • Francesco Stelluti (1625 and 1630)

    He made the earliest microscopic observation on bees and weevils using a microscope probably supplied by Galileo
  • Anton van Leeuwenhoek (1632-1723)

    • The "first true microbiologist"
    • The first person to observe and describe organisms accurately-"Father of Protozoology and Bacteriology"
    • He discovered "animalcules"
    • He used self-made single lens microscope with 50-300x magnification to study protozoans and bacteria
  • Spontaneous generation
    Life arose from non-living matter
  • Aristotle (384) supported the idea of spontaneous generation
  • dyar (congo red)
    cell wall
  • Welch, Gin's, Anthony's, Hiss ( Crystal Violet)
  • Nigrosin, India ink, Boris method ( black dye)

    yeast cell
  • Ljubinsky, Neisser, LAMB, Albert (methylene blue and cv) ( malachite green and toluidine blue)

    metachromatic granules
    Babes Ernst granules ( Cornyebacterium dipteriae)
  • Dorner , Wirtz and Conklin, Schaeffer-Fulton ( Carbol fuschin and nigrosin dye )( malachite green and safranin red) 

    bacillus and Clostridium
  • Gray, Fisher and Conn, Leifson(carbol fuscin and tannic acid: mordant) (carbol fuscin, tannic acid, and methylene blue)

  • Feulgen (carbol fuchsin)

  • Fontana-Tribondeau, Levaditi ( ammoniical silver nitrate, silver nitrate)
