stages of development

Cards (70)

  • stages of erikson's eight stages of development
    1. infancy
    2. early childhood
    3. play age
    4. school age
    5. adolescence
    6. young adulthood
    7. adulthood
    8. old age
  • infancy
    oral-respiratory:sensory kinesthetic
  • basic trust vs basic mistrust
  • hope
  • anal-urethral muscular
    early childhood
  • autonomy vs shame, doubt
    early childhood
  • will
    early childhood
  • compulsion
    early childhood
  • parents
    early childhood
  • infantile genital locomotor
    play age
  • initiative vs guilt
    play age
  • purpose
    play age
  • inhibition
    play age
  • family
    play age
  • latency
    school ahe
  • industry vs inferiority
    school age
  • competence
    school age
  • inertia
    school age
  • neighborhood, school
    school aghe
  • puberty
  • identity vs identity confusion
  • fidelity
  • intimacy vs isolation
    young adulthood
  • love
    young adulthood
  • sexual partners, friends
    young adulthood
  • procreativity
  • generativity vs stagnation
  • care
  • rejectivity
  • divided labor and shared household
  • generalization of sensual modes
    old age
  • integrity vs despair
    old age
  • wisdom
    old age
  • all humanity
    old age
  • disdain
    old age
  • Maslow's hierarchy needs
    1. biological and physical needs
    2. safety needs
    3. belongingness and love needs
    4. esteem needs
    5. cognitive needs
    6. aesthetic needs
    7. self-actualization
    8. transcendence
  • piaget's stages of cognitive development
    1. sensorimotor
    2. preoperational
    3. concrete operational
    4. formal operational
  • sensorimotor
    0-2 years old
  • preoperational
    2-7 years old
  • concrete operational
    7-11 years old