Cards (31)

  • Fill in the missing parts:
    A) shoot system
    B) root system
  • Shoot System - parts of a plant that are found above ground 
  • Root System - parts below the ground
    • This can be sometimes seen above ground but only in certain occasions.
  • Leaves - these have cuticles that prevent the dehydration and withering o plants
  • fill the in the blanks:
    A) pit
    B) vessel element
    C) tracheids
    D) xylem parenchyma cell
  • what does xylem transport?
    water and minerals
  • in what direction does xylem moves?
    upward direction
  • Vessel elements - wide, thin walled, hollow cells; dead at maturity (sclerenchyma tissue). Transport & support
  • Tracheids - narrower, tapered cells; have pits at ends that allow water transport.
  • Root pressure can cause guttation (exudes water from the margins of the leaf instead of the stomata.)
  • Straw Analogy
    1. Water moves through roots by osmosis
    2. Intake of water in roots increases the water potential
    3. When stomata is closed at night, guttation occurs 
  • Fill in the missing parts of the Phloem:
    A) sieve pore
    B) cor panion cell
    C) phloem parenchyma
    D) sieve tube element
  • what does phloem transport?
  • Sieve-tube elements - alive at maturity; long narrow with sieve plates at ends; no nucleus, ribosomes, vacuole.
  • Companion cell - attached to side of sieve-tube element; organelles serve both cells; does NOT transport.
  • Sugar source - an organ where sugar is being produced usuallyleaves
  • Sugar sink - an organ that consumes or stores sugar usually roots,growing stems, buds, and fruits
  • Pressure - it is created at the source while producing sugar. It then decreases at the sink as it is used. 
  • Translocation - moves the sugar in the phloem to the parts that need it.
  • End of Dormancy Period the plant withers due to the onset of a new season.
  • Growing Period - parts of plants that were sugar sinks become the sugar sources.
    • Dicot - vascular bundle with a ring-like structure
    • Monocot - vascular bundle with scattered structure
  • How many elements are there for growing plants?
    17 elements
  • what affects leaf growth and plant development for healthy greenfoliage?
  • What improves the roots, stems, flowers, and fruits?
  • What promotes photosynthesis and improves plant resistance?
  • Plant hormones or phytohormones
  • Fill in the blanks:
    A) Growth Promoters
    B) Growth Inhibitors
    C) salicylic acid
    D) ethylene
  • Macronutrient from air/water - Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
  • Macronutrients from soils- Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur
  • Micronutrients from soils- Boron, Chlorine, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Zinc