planning and design

Cards (6)

  • Considerations
    • Audience
    • Needs
    • Objectives
    • Resources
  • Audience
    • Characteristics (interests, educ and cultural background, econ status, etc.)
    • Listening/viewing habits
    • Importance of audience segment (youth/elderly/farmers?)
  • Needs
    • Info needs
    • Which info needs will you answer
  • Objectives
    • What do you want to accomplish through the program?
    • What do you want them to do with the content you will provide?
    • Is the program realistic? (objectives are based on resources)
  • Resources
    • Equipment
    • Staff skills
    • Financial resources
  • Steps in program planning
    1. Generate ideas - brainstorming from experience
    2. Know the audience and their needs - audience segment/s
    3. Identify the objectives - specific intention on what the audience will know, learn, or do (SMART)
    4. Identify the program segments - reflects objectives
    5. Tap cooperating agencies - augmenting resources. NGOs GOs POs CSOs: sources of program material, manpower, and financial support
    6. Identify available resources - dictates program quality
    7. Determine promotional strategies - strategies to make program known to intended audiences
    8. Prepare the implementation procedure - procedures, guidelines, responsibilities. Topic & guest line-up. Timetable of activities. Budget
    9. Evaluation - Formative (feedback while season is ongoing, broadcast phase), Summative (feedback after first season, post broadcast)