Majority Groups - Group of people who hold most of the decision-making power, control of resources and information, and access to rewards
Minority Groups - Group of people who are assigned to work in positions that do not involve power, resources, acceptance, or social status
Advantages of workforce diversity
Gaining and Keeping market share
Cost savings
Increased Productivity and innovation
Better quality management
Resilience against change
Avantages of workforce diversity : Gaining and Keeping Market Share
•Understanding of the diverse customers’ preferences
•Enhances a company’s credibility with customers as their diverse needs are understood by the organization’s management teams
Avantages of workforce diversity : Cost savings
•Recruiting, training, relocating, replacing employees, and providing competitive compensation packages = high costs
•Increasing the diverse management and employees’ willingness to stay = less turnover = fewer costs
Advantages or workforce diversity : Better Quality Management
•by creating more effective personnel policies and practices that will benefit all employees in the organization = wider pool of talents
Demographics - are statistical characteristics of a population, used to understand target customermarkets and laborforce population
Changes in Demographics
Changes:–Population is growing more slowly (since 1930s)
–Workforce is getting older
–More women in the workforce
–Minorities will make up a larger share of new entrants
–Immigration is increasing in the general population and the workforce
Generation Groups
A) Millenial Generation Y
B) Generation Z
C) Generation X
D) Baby Boomers
E) Greates (Silent) Generation
More generations a manager must manage => more diverse workforce => more challenging to manage
Reverse mentoring – a technique managers frequently use to pair a senior employee with a junior employee for the purpose of transferring work skills
Solution for :–When a member of a “younger” generation becomes the manager of an “older” generation
Ethnocentrism - Belief one’s group, culture, country, and customs are far superior to those of other groups
–Token” employees are given either very high or very low visibility in the organization due to their diversity
Women – often faced with the pressure of having high expectations women have of other women
Gender Roles – perceptions about people based on what society believes are appropriate behaviors for men and women
Glass Ceiling – Invisible “ceiling” or barrier to advancement often used to describe the limits women face in moving up within their organizations. Stronger for females from minority groups
Sexual Harassment – any unwanted sexual language, behavior, or imagery negatively affecting an employee
Minorities – Many members of ethnic or racial minority groups have been socialized to be members of two cultural groups –Biculturalism role conflict and role overload
Older workers
•Advantages:–willingness to work nontraditional schedules, ability to serve as mentors, strong work ethics •Disadvantages:–lack of technologyexperience and possible increased benefit costs for healthcare needs
There are managers who have confessed they were uncomfortable working with disabled workers – diversity training and awareness helped alleviate these preconceived notions
Diversity Challenges: Negative Dynamics and Specific Groups
Gender Roles
Glass Ceiling
Sexual Harassment
Older workers
Workers with Disabilities
•Equal Employment and Affirmative Action - Federal agency enforcing discrimination in employment laws regulating recruiting and other management practices
‒Affirmative Action - Eliminate barriers and increase opportunities for underutilized and/or disadvantaged individuals
Golden rule approach - Emphasizes individual morality "Treat others the way YOU want to be treated"
Cultural assimilation - when an ethnic minority sacrifices its own culture to integrate into society
How Managers Promote Diversity
Planning - Diversity training programs and goals
Organizing - Recruiting, hiring, and retaining diverse pool of employees
Influencing - Encouraging and supporting diverse work environment
Controlling - Evaluating diversity efforts to see if working
•Donaldson/Scannell Four-Stage Model
A) Unconcious incompetence
B) Concious Competence
C) Unconcious Competence
D) Concious Incompetence
Multicultural approaches - positive effect on employees’ perceptions of equity – have a positive effect on employee morale, goal setting, effort, and performance.
Stereotype – a positive or negative assessment of members of a group or their perceived attributes (categorization based on individual’s characteristics)
Prejudice – preconceived judgments, opinions, or assumptions about an issue, behavior, or group of people
Discrimination – when we act on our prejudices or stereotypes
Tokenism – Refers to being one of the few members of a group in an organization