a program of study that gives priority to the culture and viewpoint of one particular ethnic group, while disregarding others
Tronya and Williams
the curriculum in English schools is ethnocentric as it gives priority to white culture and the study of European languages
Stephen Ball
Criticises the national curriculum for ignoring cultural and ethnic diversity and promoting “Little Englandism“
“Locked-In Inequality“ Racism is so deep-routed, and so large that it is a practically inevitable feature of the education system
What is institutional Racism?
Where policies and procedures that show prejudice or discriminate against ethnic minorities are built into the school system and go unnoticed
What is critical race theory?
sees racism as an ingrained feature of society, it involves not just the intentional actions of individuals but also institutional racism
The Gifted and Talented programme
Created with aim of meeting needs of more able pupils, Gillborn pointed out that from statistics whites are over twice as likely as Black Caribbeans to be identified as gifted, 5x more than black Africans
Exam Tiers
found that in 30 schools in the Aim Higher initiative to raise black pupils achievement, Blacks were more likely than whites to be entered for lower tier GCSE exams
What is new IQism?
Where access to opportunities depends on teachers opinions. They end up putting black students in lower streams, put students in sets for attitudes and achievement
How does Marketisation make way for racism?
According to Gillborn: marketisation gives schools more scope to select pupils, it allows negative stereotypes to influence decisions about school admissions. Procedures favour white pupils so ethnic minority children are more likely to end up in unpopular schools