Drawn by specifying the starting and ending point through the cursor. The line is a command used in almost every drawing actually; without a line, you cannot draw any object in a drawing project.
Used to copy the objects. The concept is the same as Ctrl + C to copy and Ctrl + V to paste, which can also be used in AutoCAD. The objects are copied in a specified direction and at a specified distance.
Used to move objects at a specified distance and direction.
Connects two adjacent lines or one horizontal line and one vertical line creating round at the edges in any radius.
Used to create parallel lines, concentric circles, and parallel curves. We can offset any object through a point or at a specified distance. We can create as many parallel lines and curves with the help of the offset command.
Used to remove the objects, which meet the edges of other objects. It is used to remove extra lines or extra parts of an object. We can also perform trim using different selection methods. We are required to select the portion of the object to trim.
Used to remove or delete objects from the drawing. The selected objects can also be removed with the help of the 'Delete' button on the keyboard.
Used to rotate the object by an absolute angle. It turns objects through the specified point. The specified point is the base point, and the rotation is performed from that point. The rotation of objects can be performed by randomly dragging the cursor and also by the specified angle.
Used to create a copy (mirror copy) of the selected object. We can also delete the source object after mirroring the object. The objects that represent the same as the half of their object can be mirrored across a center line to create the other half of the object.
AutoCAD's dimensioning tools can automatically measure distances and place dimensions on your drawing. You can simply select objects and let AutoCAD add the appropriate dimensions, or you can tell AutoCAD what type of dimension you want to place and what object or points you wish to dimension.
AutoCAD provides unique drafting tools that are used in drawings of engineering components, designs, and infrastructure. It also minimizes human errors and helps the users to bring their imagination to life with accuracy.
Most AutoCAD drawings are composed purely and simply from these basic components. A good understanding of the commands is fundamental to the efficient use of AutoCAD.
Without commands, you cannot draw objects easily so it is important to know at least basic CAD commands.
Computer-Aided Drawing systems
Computer-Aided Drafting and Design systems
Advantages of CAD
Extremely accurate
Easily changeable
Clean and neat
Viewable in different angles (3D drawings)
Advantages of CAD
Choice of correct scale and proper placement is eliminated
Enables designers to layout and develop work on screen, print it out and save it for future editing, saving time on their drawings
The drawing can be subdivided in smaller parts, that can be reused to be worked on by several drafters
Disadvantages of CAD
Psychomotor skills not developed
Output can not be viewed in hard copy without a plotter
Literacy in computer is needed
Power failure
One CAD operator can replace at least 3-5 draftsmen using traditional methods