This classical approach. It is one in which the manager retains as much power and decision-making authority as possible. The manager does not consult employees, nor are they allowed to give any input.
Bureaucratic leadership
Manages "by the book", if not covered with the book referred to the next level above
Democratic leadership
also known as "participative style". encourages staff to be a part of the decision making and it keeps stuff informed everything that affects their work and shares decision making and problem solving responsibilities
Laissez-faire leadership
also known as the "hands off" style the manager provides little or no direction and gives staff as much freedom as possible, and all authority or power given to the staff and they determine goals make decisions and resolve problems on their own
Transformational leadership
Create and sustain a content that maximizes human and organizational capabilities. Charisma especially leadership style commonly associated with transformational leadership extremely powerful extremely hard to teach
Transactional leaders
it is commonly seen in large bureaucratic organization. "by the book approach" the person works within the rules. and in opposition to transformational leadership
creative leadership
To generate shared innovative response and solutions to complex and readily changing situations and the ability to uniquely inspired people
Servant leadership
a practical philosophy focusing on people who choose to serve first and then lead as a way of expanding service. they also put the needs of their followers first and this leaders are rare in business. servant leaders are servants first.
Bridging leadership
fostering synergy and reinforcing behavior and motivation through the use of communication
projection of confidence on the face of difficult challenges
Purposeful leadership
leadership and the community share a common purpose to develop or provide the drive authority and commitment to undertake projects