Cards (68)

  • Philippines became a Nation State on 1946
  • State
    A politically organized body of people living in one territory and has its own government
  • State
    • Entirely free from external control
    • Political
  • Basic elements of a state
    • People
    • Territory
    • Government
    • Sovereignty
  • People
    A community of persons living in one territory, nationals and citizens of the state, constitute the state itself, non-citizens are called aliens
  • Territory
    Place where people live, where the state exercises political power and authority
  • Government
    Arm of the state, carries the will of the state and serves the people of the state, carries the objectives and functionaries of the state, government can exist without a state but a state cannot exist without a government
  • Sovereignty
    Supreme legal authority of the state that will make the state independent and continue to exist, free from external control
  • Types of sovereignty
    • Internal sovereignty
    • External sovereignty
  • Characteristics of sovereignty
    • Absolute
    • Permanent
    • Indivisible
    • Exclusive
    • Inalienable
    • Comprehensive
  • Inherent powers of the state
    • Police power
    • Taxation power
    • Power of eminent domain
  • Government
    The organization the people set up to protect their community and to enforce its rules, role is to protect the lives, liberties, and property of members of the community, provides services that individuals cannot provide on their own, has power and force to exercise authority
  • Purposes of government
    • Form a more perfect union
    • Establish justice
    • Insure domestic tranquility
    • Provide for the common defense
    • Promote the general welfare
    • Secure the blessings of liberty
  • Functions of government
    • Constituent functions
    • Ministrant functions
  • Types of government
    • Government ruled by single person
    • Government ruled by few persons
    • Government ruled by many
    • Government ruled by none
  • Forms of government
    • Limited monarchy
    • Absolute monarchy
    • Dictatorship
    • Aristocracy
    • Oligarchy
    • Democracy
  • Systems of government
    • Unitary system
    • Federal system
    • Confederation
  • Branches of government
    • Executive
    • Legislative
    • Judiciary
  • Presidential democracy
    Separation of powers, three branches of government are distributed equally and independent, president is chief executive
  • Parliamentary democracy
    Fusion of powers, executive department is dependent on legislative department, prime minister presides parliament and participates in making and executing laws
  • De jure government
    By right, according to law, government established in accordance with constitution
  • De facto government
    In reality, as a matter of fact, government established in defiance of existing government
  • Constitution
    A set of laws/principles that may be written or unwritten on which a country is acknowledged to be governed, written law that guides on what the government will do, body of rules which regulates the system of government within a state, "king of all laws", serves as supreme law of the land and fundamental law of the land
  • Purpose and functions of the constitution
    • Defines and limits government's powers
    • Lists the rights of the people
    • Establishes the structure of the government
    • Provides the rules and operating procedures for the government
  • Classification of constitution
    • Conventional/enacted
    • Cumulative/evolved
  • Form of constitution
    • Written
    • Unwritten
  • Manner of amending constitution
    • Rigid/inelastic
    • Flexible/elastic
  • Requisites of a good written constitution (as to form)
    • Brief
    • Broad
    • Definite
  • Requisites of a good written constitution (as to content)
    • Constitution of government
    • Constitution of liberty
    • Constitution of sovereignty
  • The Philippine Constitution has a brief history from 1897 to 1987
  • The 1987 Philippine Constitution has significant features including a preamble, 18 articles, a presidential system of government, a bicameral Congress, and increased authority of the judicial department
  • Basic principles underlying the 1987 Philippine Constitution
    • Government of laws and not of men
    • Government through suffrage
    • Guarantee of human rights
    • Guarantee of local autonomy
    • Recognition of the aid of Almighty God
    • Recognition of the importance of the family and the youth
    • Renunciation of war as an instrument of national policy
    • Rule of the majority
    • Independence of the judiciary
    • Nationalization of natural resources and certain private enterprises
    • Non-suability of the state
    • Sovereignty of the people
    • Supremacy of civilian authority over the military
    • Separation of church and state
    • Separation of powers
    • High sense of public morality and accountability of public officers
  • Preamble of the 1987 Philippine Constitution: 'We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane society and establish a Government that shall embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings of independence and democracy under the rule of law and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality, and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.'
  • Article I of the 1987 Philippine Constitution defines the national territory as the Philippine archipelago with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction
  • Principles in the 1987 Philippine Constitution
    • Non-suability of the State
    • Sovereignty of the people
    • Supremacy of civilian authority over the military
    • Separation of church and state
    • Separation of powers
    • High sense of public morality and accountability of public officers
  • The 1987 Constitution Preamble states the objectives of the creation of the constitution and its purpose, and states the authors of the constitution
  • Preamble
    • Serves as an introduction to the constitution
    • States the objectives of the creation of the constitution and its purpose
    • States the authors of the constitution
  • National territory of the Philippines
    Comprises the Philippine archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced therein, and all other territories over which the Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial domains, including its territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters around, between, and connecting the islands of the archipelago, regardless of their breadth and dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the Philippines.
  • Principles in Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
    • The Philippines is a democratic and republican State
    • No war as an instrument of national policy
    • Civilian authority is supreme over the military
    • Prime duty of the Government is to serve and protect the people
    • Peace and Order
    • Separation of Church and State
  • Policies in Article II of the 1987 Philippine Constitution
    • Independent foreign policy
    • Freedom from nuclear weapons
    • Adequate social services, promote full employment, a rising standard of living, and an improved quality of life for all
    • Social justice
    • Respect for human rights
    • Sanctity of family life and family as a basic autonomous social institution; protect the life of the mother and unborn from conception
    • Role of the youth in nation-building
    • Role of women in nation-building; Equality before the law of women and men
    • Right to health of the people
    • Balanced and Healthful Ecology
    • Priority to education, science and technology, arts, culture, and sports to foster patriotism and nationalism to accelerate social progress
    • Protection of the rights of workers and labor as primary social economic force
    • Self-reliant economy controlled by Filipinos
    • Indispensable role of the private sector; encourage private enterprise
    • Rural development and Agrarian Reform
    • Rights of indigenous communities
    • Encourage non-governmental organizations
    • Vital role of communication and information in nation-building
    • Autonomy of local governments
    • Equal access to opportunities for public service; prohibit political dynasties
    • Honesty and integrity in public service; measures against graft and corruption
    • Policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest