A scheme or plan of action for meeting the objectives
A blueprint for conducting a study that maximize control over factors that could interfere with the validity of the findings
Qualitative Research Design
Historical Study
Case Study
Grounded Theory
The objective is to interpret events in the light of the present situation
It tells you the right research method to determine the reason for change or permanence of things in the physical world in a certain period
Defined as the environment or setting where the behavior occurs
It involves a study of a certain cultural group or organization in which you, the researcher, to obtain knowledge about characteristics, organizational set-up, and relationships of the group members, must necessarily involved in their group activities
A phenomenon is something you experience on Earth as a person
It aims to getting a thorough understanding of an individual's life experiences for this same person's realistic dealings with hard facts of life
It makes you follow a research method that will let you understand the ways of how people go through inevitable events in their lives
Case Study
The aim is to determine why such creature (person, organization, thing, or event) acts, behave, occur, or exist in particular manner
Interview, observation, and questionnaire
Grounded Theory
The main idea in this design is to conceptualize and create a theory grounded or based on the data gathered on the field
The creation of theory is derived in the words and actions of the individuals under study or data, through various forms of data collection such as survey, case study, interview, life history, secondary data, quantitative data, videos, audios, etc.
Locale of the Study
The setting of the study
In statistics denotes the aggregate from which sample (items) is to be taken
A population can be defined as including all people or items with the characteristic one wishes to understand
Sampling Frame
The list from which the potential respondents are drawn
A smaller (but hopefully representative) collection of units from a population used to determine truths about that population
Sampling Methods
Non Probability
Judgment/Purposive/Deliberate Sampling
It depend exclusively on the judgment of the investigator
Sample selected which researcher thinks to be most typical of the universe
Convenience Sampling
Convenient sample units selected
Selected based on their availability
Quota Sampling
Within the quota, selection depends on the personal judgment
Snowball Sampling
A special non probability method used when the desired sample characteristic is rare
It may be extremely difficult or cost prohibitive to locate respondents in these situations
Snowball sampling relies on referrals from initial subjects to generate additional subjects
Simple Random Sampling
Each unit has an equal opportunity of being selected
Data Gathering Procedure
Data collection is defined as the procedure of collecting, measuring and analyzing accurate insights for research using standard validated techniques
Research Instrument
A research instrument is a tool used to obtain, measure, and analyze data from subjects around the research topic
Research Instruments
The most common instrument or tool of research for obtaining the data
Closed form - it has fixed number of questions and a limited choice of answer
Open form - it consist a number of questions, the answers are in the form of essay and the content may vary depending on the respondents
It is a sense of an oral questionnaire, instead of writing the response, the interviewee gives the need information orally and face to face
The simplest device, consist of a prepared list of items, the presence or absence of the item may be indicated by inserting the appropriate word or number
Perceiving data through the senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch
Most direct way used in studying individual behavior
Statistical Treatment
A way of removing researcher bias by interpreting the data statistically rather than subjectively
Statistical treatment of data is essential in order to make use of the data in the right form