there may be instances where the value of inventories must be estimated, such as when it is notpracticable to take a physical count.
estimates are allowed under PAS 2 only if they
inventory estimation is made only for interim reporting.
for annual reporting, physical count of inventories is more appropriate.
cost of inventories may be estimated using
gross profitmethod or retailmethod
assumed to be relatively constant from period to period
gross profit method
used to determine the cost ratio
gross profit ratio
used to estimate the inventory and COGS
cost ratio
GPR can be expressed as a percentage:
basedonsales or basedoncostofgoods sold
dividing gross profit by the net sales
dividing gross profit by the COGS
GPR based on cost
cost ratio from GPR based on sales = 100% net sales-GPR based on sales
cost ratio from GPR based on cost = 100% COGS/net sales(100%+GPRbasedoncost)
for purposes of inventory estimation, onlysales returns are deducted from gross sales when computing for net sales.
sales discounts and allowances are not deducted because these donot affect the physical inventory of goods.
sales returns affect the physical inventory of goods because goods are physically returned to the seller.
often used in the retail industry for measuring large quantities of inventories with rapidly changing items and with similar margins and for which it is impracticable to use other costing methods.
retail method
under the retail method, the cost ratio is directly without regard to the GPR
Under the retail method, net mark-ups and net mark-downs are considered.
mark up less markup cancellations
net markups
net increases above the original retail price, caused by changes in supply and demand
net markups
refers to the selling price at which the goods are first offered for sale
refers to increase above the original retail price
refers to a decrease in selling price that does not reduce the selling price below the original retail price
markup cancellation
markdowns less markdown cancellation
net markdowns
net decreases below the original retail price
net markdowns
refers to the decrease below the original retail price
refers to an increase in selling price that does not raise the selling price above the original retail price
markdown cancellation
retail method is applied using:
average cost method or FIFO cost method
when determining the TGAS, net markups are added while net markdowns are deducted.
PAS 2 requires that the cost ratio to be used in estimating inventory under the retail method should be marked down below its original reail price.
refer to transfers of goods between departments within an entity.
Department transfers
refers to inventory received by a department from another department. It is added to purchases at cost and retail
departmentaltransfers-in or debit
refers to inventory transferred out by a department to another department. It is deducted from purchases at cost and retail.
departmental transfers-out or credit
are special discounts that are not recorded in the sales discounts account but rather treated as directdeductions from the selling price.
employee discounts
Employee discounts are added back to sales because these discounts decrease sales but do not affect physical inventory.
should be ignored or not deducted from gross sales
generally allowed in an entity's pricing policies. it is deducted from the retail column after calculation of the cost ratio.
charged to COGS, thus, it is added to sales when computing for net sales. It usually arises from shrinkage or breakage
should be deducted from both the cost and retail columns before the calculation of the cost ratio, as could distort the ratio.