Cards (29)

  • heidensohn and silvestri
    gender differences are the most significant feature of recorded crime
  • chivalry thesis

    The belief that the police and courts, because they are male dominated, are easier on women
  • pollack
    argues men have a protective attitude towards women
  • hood
    studied over 3000 defendants- found that women were 1/3 less likely to be jailed in similar cases
  • Farrington and Morris
    studied sentencing of 408 offences of theft in a magistrates court- found women were not sentenced more leniently
  • heidensohn
    argues the courts treat females more harshly then males when they deviate from gender norms
  • Sharpe
    found that 7/11 girls referred for support because they were sexually active but not the boys
  • carlen
    argued that women are jailed not because of crime but because they have strayed away from traditional gender norms
  • parsons
    sex role theory
    instrumental role- men
    expressive role- women
    boys reject feminine role, distant themselves from this leading to crime
  • Cohen
    lack of male role model means boys more likely to turn to gangs
  • walklate
    criticises parsons- his theory is based on biological assumptions
    parsons assumes that as women have biological capacity to bear children they should take on expressive role
  • heidensohn
    patriarchal control
    women are conformist due to patriarchal society imposing greater control over women
  • feminist approaches of crime
    control theory
    liberation thesis
  • dobash and dobash

    found that many violent attacks result from mens dissatisfaction with their wives' performance of domestic duties
  • lees
    found that in school, boys maintain control through sexualised verbal abuse
    e.g labelling girls as 'slags
  • glass ceiling
    prevents women from rising to senior positions
  • carlen
    class and gender deals
    used instructed tape-recorded interviews on 39 wc women who've been convicted of various crimes
    inspired hirschi control theory
  • hirschi - control theory 

    argues that humans act rationally and are controlled by being offered a 'deal'
    4 bonds each individual needs to have in order to prevent them from committing crime
    1. commitment
    2. involvement
    3. attachment
    4. belief
  • class deal
    argued by carlen
    women who work will be offered material rewards, with a decent standard of living an leisure opportunities
  • gender deal
    argued by carlen
    patriarchal ideology promises women material and emotional rewards from family life by conforming to the norms of housewife
  • adler
    liberation thesis
    argues that as women are becoming more liberated from patriarchy, their crimes become more frequent and serious
    as women now have more confidence and freedom
  • denscombe
    studied growth of girl gangs through self images
    found that females were as likely as males to engage in risk taking behaviour
  • Chesney-lind
    criticises adler
    found that poor and marginalised women more likely than liberated mc to be criminals
  • messerschmidt
    hegemonic masculinity- dominant form that men wish to accomplish
    masculinity is a social construct
  • messerschmidt
    sees crime and deviance as resources that different men may use for accomplishing masculinity.
  • white middle class youths
    messerschmidt argues these groups of boys have to subordinate themselves to teachers in order to achieve mc status

    outside school they're the opposite e.g drinking
  • white working class youths

    messerschmidt argues this group have less chance go academic success have more oppositional masculinity e.g willis 'lads' study
  • black lower working class youths
    messerschmidt argues this group are victims of racism and lack opportunities therefore turn to gang membership
  • winlow
    postmodernity and masculinity
    studied bouncers in Sunderland - area provided men with solution to crisis of masculinity, working as bouncers provided 'male' jobs
    has led to organised criminal subculture e.g drug selling