
Cards (14)

  • Contrast occurs when two or more related elements are displayed differently, and the greater the difference, the greater the contrast. 
  • Proximity for web design purposes means that similar or related elements should be grouped together
  • Whitespace, many times referred to as negative space.
  • Alignment. Allows us to make conscious decisions about how and where elements are placed on the page.
  • Alignment develops order and order conveys harmony
    • Table tags:  <TABLE> </TABLE>
    •  Row tags:   <TR> </TR>
    • Cell tags:    <TD> </TD>
  • The WIDTH=n% command sets the width of your table as a percentage of the screen. 
  • The CELLPADDING=n command adjusts the vertical dimension of the cells. 
  • The CELLSPACING=n command sets the space or border around the cells.  The letter n designates the numerical value that you assign to this command.
  • The ALIGN=(LEFT, RIGHT, or CENTER) command will horizontally align the data in a cell
  • The VALIGN=(TOP, MIDDLE, or BOTTOM) command will vertically align the data in a cell. 
  • The COLSPAN attribute defines the number of columns a table cell should span.
  • The major components of Web page design are as follows:
    1.     Page layout design
    2.     Text design
    3.     Graphic design
    4.     Accessibility considerations
    • Load Time Make sure your pages load as quickly as possible.