Excretory - eliminate toxins/harmful substances, metabolic waste and excess substances
Regulatory - maintain a constant volume and composition of the body fluids by varying the excretion of solutes and water (regulate water; ion, osmotic and pH balance; blood pressure)
Endocrine - synthesize and secrete (i) Renin (ii) Erythropoietin (iii) 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol
Glomeruli located in the outer and middle cortices
Associated with the loop of Henle that extend to the junction of the cortex and medulla or into the outer zone of the medulla, e.g. marine aquatic mammals
Increases the resistance and outflow from the glomeruli increases the glomerular pressure and GFR initially but when blood remains in the glomerulus for a prolonged period, increase in plasma COP occurs which causes a fall in GFR = net effect is slight increase in GFR
Immediate afferent arteriolar constriction after an increase in arteriolar wall tension = increase resistance to blood flow in response to increased perfusion pressure
Arteriolar dilation occurs almost immediately after a decrease in arteriolar wall tension = reduce resistance to flow when vascular perfusion pressure decreases
Mediated by the macula densa cells of the JG apparatus
These cells sense changes in the Na+ and CL-
If GFR is increased, due to increased glomerular HP there will be increase in macula densa flow and Na+ and CL- delivery initiates a response that returns GFR and macula densa flow towards the normal due to afferent arteriole constriction (which lowers glomerular HP)
If renal blood flow falls too low it decreases the GFR decreases Na+ and CL- delivery to the distal tubule which initiate a signal from macula densa and dilates the afferent arterioles and it increases glomerular blood flow and glomerular pressure = GFR increase to normal