hic autem, qui vivus erat, et tantum sopore mortuus, idem mecum nomen forte habet. ad suum nomen ignarus exsurgit, et, in exanimis umbrae modum ultro gradiens, ianuam adit. quamquam fores cubiculi diligenter obclusae erant, per quoddam foramen prosectis naso prius ac mox auribus lanienam pro me passus est. tum sagae ceram in modum prosectarum formatam aurium ei applicant nasumque similem prosecto comparant. et nunc stat miser hic, praemium non industriae sed lanienae consecutus."
He, however, who was alive, and only dead with sleep, by chance had the same name as me. Therefore unknowing, he rose to his name and, stepping spontaneously in the manner of a lifeless ghost, he went to the door. Although the doors of the bedroom had been carefully shut up, through a certain hole, with his nose first and soon his ears cut off, he suffered mutilation instead of me. Then the witches attached to him wax moulded in the form of the cut-off ears and they put together a nose similar to the one cut off. And now here stands the wretched man, who has earned a reward not for his industry but for his mutilation.