Political developments of 1932
NSDAP won majority votes in July (37.4%) and November (33.1%)
Decreased support of Chancellor Bruining
Franz von Papen (Centre Party) despite not having majority, was placed in chancellor role and began to scheme with president Hindenburg.
Hitler demanded to be Chancellor in a meeting in August, Hindenburg refused.
Papen assumed Nazis were losing momentum (as the July-Nov votes agree)
Papen could not secure majority in reichstag, Hitler continued demanding.
Papen suggested abolishing Weimar Constitution, Kurt von Scgleicher (Minister of Defence) persuaded Hind that this might cause a civil war.
Papen resigned. Schleicher succeeded him
Schleicher hoped to get majority by forming a Querfront (cross-front) bringing together strands of left and right parties.
Papen wanted power back, met with Hitler in Jan 1933 and agreed Hitler should lead a Nazi-Nationalist government with Papen as Vice-Chancellor.
Army, major landowners, leaders of industry convinced Hitler and Papen were saving them from Schleicher's plans and a possible communist takeover.
Papen convinced Hindenburg a coalition government would save Germany and bring stability. Papen said he could 'Make Hitler squeak' (control him).
Jan 30 1933, Hitler became Chancellor of Germany and invited to be leader by the president. He had achieved his aim.