Robert Louis Stevenson: '"sort of murderous mixture between timidity and boldness"'
The phrase "sort of"
Indicates that Jekyll struggles to fully articulate or define the exact nature of this mixture within Hyde
The phrase "sort of"
Hints at the complex and enigmatic aspects of Hyde's character that even Jekyll, his creator, finds difficult to comprehend or explain
The phrase "sort of"
Underscores the mysterious and elusive nature of Hyde as he evadeseasycategorisation
The paradoxical combination of timidity and boldness
Conveys the dangerous and contradictory nature of Hyde, showcasing a blend that creates a sense of unpredictability and malevolence
sort of murderousmixture of timidity and boldness
Highlights the innerturmoil experienced by Jekyll as he grapples with the consequences of unleashing his represseddesires through the creation of Mr.Hyde
Mr Hyde: '"snarledaloud a savage laugh"'
Mr Hyde's response
Suggests he has not developed the refined sense of etiquette expected of a Victorian man
Acts in a "savage" way and is only able to "hiss" when he speaks rather than articulate himself correctly
Mr Hyde's response
Conveys the impression that he perhaps has notevolved as a human should and is unable to regulate or control his emotions
Mr Utterson and Mr Hyde
Directly juxtapose one another
Mr Utterson represents all that is rational and moral within Victorian society
Mr Hyde appears uncivilized, and in turn, frightening - particularly to a ChristianVictorian reader who would value virtues such as modesty,compassion and kindness, all of which Mr Hyde evidently lacks
In Hindu tradition, a large, overpowering, and unstoppableforce or deity
Origin of the term "Juggernaut"
1. Derived from the annual processions of Lord Jagannath in the city of Puri, India
2. Where huge chariots are pulled with great force
3. Sometimes resulting in accidents or casualties
Comparing Hyde to a Juggernaut
Emphasises the immense power and relentless nature of Hyde's actions
Comparing Hyde to a Juggernaut
Suggests Jekyll has been tempted into releasing his innermostevildesires as he transforms into Hyde
Use of the word "damned"
Suggests that Hyde is not only a powerful force but also something inherentlyevil or cursed
damned juggernaut
Conveys a sense of moral outrage and condemnation towards Hyde's actions
Hints at the negative impact he has on society
like some damned juggernaut: 'simile - compares him to a brute and unstoppable force'
Compares him to a brute and unstoppable force
Highlights his lack of mercy and remorse
'damned' links to hell - introduces recurring motif of links between Hyde and the devilsatan
Represents pure evil
His 2 victims were vulnerable and defenceless - Hyde is a coward and a bully
Hyde continues to wreak throughout the novel
He develops further into "somedamned juggernaut" who cannot be controlled as he will inflict "ape like fury" on everyone within his path