Philosophy - began at the end of 6th Century happened in Ancient Greece.
From muthos (story) to logos (meaning/reason).
Came from greek word “philein” w/c means “love” and “sophia” w/c means “wisdom”.
Philosophers became the talk of the town in Athens b/c of the works of Hesiod and Homer
Hesiod - Work and Days written as a poem 700 BCE.
Idea of man’s fate being indebted to gods.
Homer - The Iliad and The Odyssey.
Philosophy started in 587 BCE in a town called Miletus.
Philosophy began in wonder
First philosopher’s real question was about the astonishment at the wonders they observed.
This is the reason why the first problems related to philosophy were cosmological in nature and why the first philosophers were cosmologists.
Philosophy and Literature are connected.
Philosophy’s realization of itself started from its rebellion from literature.
Should have a basis and reason.
6th Century - crucial shift of mode of thinking.
Miletus - seaport town and was considered to be the center of many things, including business and commerce.
Had the same importance in antiquity.
Main point of interconnection.
First philosophers were said to be Miletians.
Miletians - people from miletus.
Invested in cosmology (nature and universe).
Milesian Cosmologists: Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximenes
Thales - father of philosophy in western civilization.
“What is the ultimate stop on the universe?” answer “Water”.
Greece - birthplace of philosophy.
Oliver Feltham - best philosophy historian today.
Provides different understanding and clarification of how this thauma can be translated.
Thauma means “Wonder”.
According to Oliver Feltham, when a person is stupefied, that person is placed in a position of confusion.
According to Oliver Feltham, stupefaction becomes reinforcement to be completely mesmerized and thereby pushing oneself to ask.
Stupefaction - should lead one to question.
To wonder, get confused
Should not be taken negatively.
Questioning - indication that real and genuine knowledge does not end in awe.
Doubt - pushes us to question many things to see that a greater reason is being veiled by what seems to appear before us.
Not all doubts are healthy, some could lead to skepticism.
Skepticism - wherein everything is put into inquiry w/o any goal of grounding and could lead to being myopic.
Skepticism wants to doubt w/o interest in getting to know the truth.
Myopic - perspective that is in direct contrast to the spirit of philosophy.
Closed minded, lacking imagination, intellect is limited.
Allan Badiou - french contemporary philosopher said that, a philosophical question that touch upon matters related to 3 things:
In the end, answers are perennial (everlasting, constant, persisting).
Telos - greek word for “end”, “fulfillment”, “completion”.
Pythagoras (570 - 495 BCE) - might be more familiar to mathematics.
Pythagoras shifted the focus of philosophy.
Pythagoras - his contributions to philosophical discourse are crucial.
Pythagoras - marked a radical shift from mythic (untrue) to rational.
Pythagoras - his invention that the world is governed by a principle that only numbers can provide is as radical as Copernicus saying that Earth is not the center of the universe during the Renaissance.