Before Edward Jenner what was the only way to prevention smallpox
Inoculation which involved giving you small pox by putting puss of another person with smallpox in a cut in your arm
What Did Jenner notice about milkmaids
They don’t get smallpox and catch a much milder disease called cowpox
What did Jenner test in 1796
Injected a small boy called James Phipps with pus from milkmaid with cowpox (Sarah Nelmes) and James didn’t catch small pox
When did Jenner Publish his vaccination findings
Why did inoculates oppose vaccination
Saw it as a threat to there livelihood
Why did some of the public oppose vaccination
Didn’t like the idea of putting a disease from a cow in them
What act was passed in 1840
Vaccination for infants was free
What was made compulsory in 1853
What did people believe caused germs and microbes in the air before germ theory
decaying matter and was called Spontaneous Generation
What did FrenchChemistLouisPasteur discover about sterilised water
Sterilised water in closed flask remained sterilised but in an open flask it bred germs
When did Louis Pasteur publish his germ theory
How did the public react to germ theory
It was met with scepticism as people didn’t believe that tiny microbes could cause disease
What did RobertKoch do to identify microbes
Used dyes
What Anaesthetic did HumphreyDave’s suggest in 1799
Nitrous oxide
What did HaraceWells do in 1845 and why was it unsuccessful
Tried to use laughing gas but patient was unaffected by it
In what year did CrawfordLong discover the anaesthetics qualities of ether
Why was ether not continued to be used
It was irritant and explosive
What Anesthetic did James Simpson discover in 1847
In what year did QueenVictoria use Chloroform duringChildbirth
What was a disadvantage of Chloroform
Could affect heart during surgery and lead to potential death
What were the years 1846-1870 labelled and why
The Black Period because due to aesthetics surgery Times were longer so wounds became infected and more people diedduringsurgery
What did IgnazSemmelweis suggest to do to kill germs
Wash hands with chloride of lime but it was unpleasant so not used
What did JosephLister use as an antiseptic in early 1860’s
carbolic acid
How did antiseptics affect the death rate
Caused it to immediately fall
What was Asepsis Surgery
Prevented germs from getting near wounds and reduced the need for nasty chemicals
Who invented surgical gloves in 1889
William Halsted
When did cholera reach Britain
By what year was cholera an epidemic and killed 21,000 people
How did Cholera spread
When infected sewage water contaminated drinking water
What did John Snow discover
A connection between contaminated water and cholera
When did Cholera break out in Broad Street, London
What did snow do during his investigation
Interviewed people living in Broad Street and made a map of the area
What did Snow publish in 1855/
On the mode of communication of Cholera
What did Snows investigation used and how did he respond
That all victims used the same water pump so he persuaded the government to remove the handle and the cholera outbreak stopped
In what year was the first Public Health Act and why did it have limited impact
1848 but it was optional and many towns chose not to set up a board of health
What did Edwin Chadwick suggest in 1842
That poor living conditions resulted in poor health
What attitude did many people have during the 19thcentury
a Laissez faire attitude but public opinion began to change
What affect did the 1875 Public Health Act have
It was compulsory and meant that councils had to appoint health/sanitary inspectors as well as keep the towns streets clean and maintain sewage systems