4.1 Perfect competition

Cards (8)

  • Characteristics of perfect competition
    • Many buyers and sellers
    • Sellers are price takers
    • Free entry to and exit from the market
    • Perfect knowledge
    • Homogeneous goods
    • Firms are short run profit maximisers
    • Factors of production are perfectly mobile
  • In a perfectly competitive market, price is determined by the interaction of demand and supply
  • Firms make supernormal profits in the short run
    New firms enter the market due to low barriers to entry
  • New firms entering the market
    Increases supply, lowering the average price and competing away existing firms' profits
  • Profit maximising equilibrium in the short run
    1. Firm accepts industry price
    2. Firm produces output Q1
    3. Firm earns supernormal profits
  • Profit maximising equilibrium in the long run
    1. New firms enter the industry
    2. Supply increases from S to S1
    3. Price falls
    4. Firms produce at new output Q2
    5. Firms only make normal profits
  • Advantages of perfect competition
    • Lower price in the long run
    • Allocative efficiency in the long run
    • Productive efficiency
    • Supernormal profits in the short run may increase dynamic efficiency
  • Disadvantages of perfect competition
    • Limited dynamic efficiency in the long run
    • No economies of scale
    • Assumptions rarely apply in real life