skeletal muscle

Cards (27)

  • Muscle Characteristics
    • Excitable - respond to stimuli by producing APs
    • Contractile - can shorten, thicken
    • Extensible - stretch when pulled
    • Elastic - return to original shape after contraction or extension
  • Muscle Functions
    • Movement - e.g. walking, breathing
    • Posture, facial expression
    • Heat production ⇒ 37°C
    • Protection of viscera - body wall
  • Neuromuscular Junction
    • Each muscle fibre (cell) innervated by only 1 neuron
    • Axon of motor neuron branches to innervate several muscle fibres (1 neuron ⇒ ~150 fibres within same whole muscle)
    • A single motor neuron + all the muscle fibres it innervates = a motor unit
  • Structure of Neuromuscular Junction

    • Presynaptic cell (neuron) with ACh (nt) in vesicles
    • Postsynaptic cell (muscle) membrane (sarcolemma) - specialized region with ACh receptors (= motor end plate)
    • Two membranes separated by synaptic cleft
  • Function of Neuromuscular Junction
    1. AP reaches axon terminal and synaptic end bulb of neuron
    2. Ca2+ enters via voltage gates ⇒ causes exocytosis of ACh
    3. ACh binds to ACh receptors on motor end plate
    4. Chemical gates open and Na+ enters ⇒ End Plate Potential (EPP = a depolarizing GP)
    5. EPP causes opening of Na+ voltage gates on adjacent sarcolemma ⇒ AP (AP has same properties/channels as on a neuron) - propagates along sarcolemma
  • 1 AP (neuron) → 1 EPP → 1 AP (always!)
  • To inhibit skeletal muscle, must inhibit motor neuron
  • Relaxed muscle
    • Tropomyosin covers myosin binding sites on the actin
    • The myosin head is activated
  • Myosin Head Activation
    ATP → ADP + Pi (on myosin head) → Energy (still on myosin head) = ACTIVATED
  • Muscle Contraction
    1. Excitation of muscle fibre (electrical event)
    2. Excitation-contraction coupling (electrical to mechanical event)
    3. Contraction (mechanical) = Sliding Filament Mechanism
  • Steps in Excitation-Contraction Coupling
    • AP in T-tubules cause release of Ca2+ (coupling agent) from terminal cisternae of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) via mechanically gated channels
    • Ca2+ binds to troponin
    • Troponin-tropomyosin complex moves, exposing myosin binding sites on actin
  • Sliding Filament Mechanism
    1. Activated myosin heads attach to binding sites on actin (cross bridge formation)
    2. Energy stored in myosin head is released - myosin head pivots (= POWER STROKE), ADP + Pi are released. Actin slides over myosin toward centre of sarcomere (M line)
    3. ATP attaches to myosin head, causing its release from actin + unpivot = RECOVERY STROKE
    4. Myosin head reactivates (ATP ⇒ ADP + Pi)
    5. If Ca2+ in cytosol remains high, these steps repeat
  • Sarcomeres shorten, H zone and I band shorten, A band = same length, myofibrils shorten ∴ muscle shortens, thin (actin) + thick (myosin) myofilaments remain the same length
  • Muscle Fibre Relaxation
    1. ACh broken down by AChE on motor end plate (facing cleft)
    2. SR actively takes up Ca2+ (Ca2+-ATPase)
    3. ATP binds to and releases myosin heads
    4. Tropomyosin moves back to cover myosin binding sites on actin when the myosin heads are released
  • ATP necessary for
    • Cross bridge release (ATP not broken down)
    • Activation of myosin (ATP ⇒ ADP + Pi) + power stroke
    • Pump Ca2+ into SR
    • Fibre Na+/K+-ATPase activity
  • Rigor Mortis
    "Stiffness of death" - myosin heads still activated, even after death - can bind to actin, ATP production gradually stops - no O2, intracellular Ca++ ⇑ from ECF, SR (leakage) ⇒ binding sites exposed (cross bridges form) ⇒ myosin heads not released from actin (no new ATP produced) ⇒ muscle remains contracted
  • Extracellular Ca2+
    Stabilizes Na+ voltage gates (keeps them closed in absence of APs), if ECF Ca2+ low (pregnancy, lactation) → gates open spontaneously & Na+ enters fibre → depolarizes → cramps (contractions)
  • Conditions/Substances causing flaccid paralysis
    • Myasthenia gravis - ⇓ in ACh receptors (autoimmune), treatment - use AChE inhibitors (⇑ binding to remaining receptors)
    • Curare Poisoning - prevents ACh from binding to receptors, was used in surgery
    • Botulism - prevents exocytosis of ACh - flaccid paralysis, medical - treat uncontrolled blinking, crossed eyes, cosmetic - Botox (wrinkles, sweating)
  • Substances resulting in muscle contractions
    • Nicotine - binds to receptors + mimics ACh effect – get muscle spasms
    • Black Widow Spider Venom - massive release of ACh, could stop breathing
  • Muscle Tension
    Force exerted by a muscle or muscle fibre, determined by # of cross bridges formed
  • Factors affecting muscle tension in a fibre
    • Frequency of stimulation
    • Fibre length
    • Size of fibre
    • Fatigue
  • Factors affecting muscle tension in a whole muscle
    • Number of fibres contracting
    • Number of fibres per motor unit
    • Muscle size
    • Fatigue
  • Muscle Tone
    Low level of tension in a few fibres that develops as different groups of motor units are alternately stimulated over time, gives firmness to muscle
  • Types of whole muscle contraction
    • Isotonic - muscle changes length, tension > weight of load lifted, uses ATP
    • Isometric - muscle length constant, tension less than required to move load, tension increases - cross bridges form but no shortening, uses ATP
  • Energy sources for muscle contraction
    • During resting conditions: fatty acids used to produce ATP (aerobic), storage of glycogen, creatine phosphate, little ATP
    • During short term exercise (< 1 minute): use available ATP, creatine phosphate used to produce ATP, muscle glycogen ⇒ glucose ⇒ pyruvic acid ⇒ anaerobic pathway ⇒ lactic acid
    • Long term exercise (1 min to hours): ATP from aerobic pathway, glucose (from liver), fatty acids used more as exercise continues, O2 sources: blood hemoglobin + muscle myoglobin
  • Causes of Muscle Fatigue
    • Physiological Fatigue: depletion of energy supplies, build-up of end products (H+, Pi), failure of APs
    • Psychological Fatigue: failure of CNS to send commands to muscles, probably due to lactic acid
  • EPOC
    Excess Post-exercise O2 Consumption - recovery O2 consumption (deep rapid breathing) used to replenish stores of glycogen, C~P, O2 on Hb/myoglobin, convert lactic acid to pyruvic acid ⇒ Krebs or glucose in liver, also ⇑ in body temp from exercise = ⇑ O2 demand (faster chemical reactions)