Actual management of preterm labor
1. Allow to progress if gestation is more than 34 with active labor, abruption of placenta, fetal compromised, death fetus, chorioamniotis, pre-eclampsia/ eclampsia
2. Best rest at left lateral with O2 supply
3. Give sedative or epidural analgesia
4. Close monitoring of labor progress and fetal monitoring
5. Perform cesarean section if any complications occur
6. Prefer episiotomy to prevent fetal decompression and compression
7. Immediate cord clamp to prevent hypervolumia and hyperbilirubinemia
8. Suction very gentle or stomach content must be suck out
9. Administer oxygen and maintain temperature closely as preterm may go into hypothermia very easily
10. Give Vitamin K to prevent hemorrhage
11. Strictly prohibited baby bath
12. Monitor Fetal weight monitoring and feeding (3hrly) with NG feeding under radiant warmer if necessary
13. KMC is very effective