
Cards (2)

  • "From ancient grudge break to new mutiny" 

    The audience is told that the feud is "ancient". This adjective has connotations with something old, sacred and almost untouched- as though it's a force nothing can break --> this further presents the significance and power of Romeo and Juliet's love
    However, this is then juxtaposed by the "new mutiny" which means there is new violence which foreshadows the intensity that is brought about through the young lovers
  • Tybalt's character is synonymous with violence and aggression. For example at the Capulet ball in Act 1, Scene 5, the mere sight of Romeo causes Tybalt to launch into hostile action.
    "Now by the stock and honour of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin" --> his first instinct when he sees a Montague is murderous.
    "Fetch me my rapier, boy" --> immediately resorts to violence
    "A villain that is hither come in spite" --> by describing Romeo as a villian, it reflects how Tybalt feels compelled to attack him: he feels he's performing a righteous deed and is fulfilling his duty