Universal Human Rights~ what are universal human rights?
universal rights that apply to every single person simply because they are human (innate and are applied equally)
Universal Human Rights~ NGO
helps with mistakes/issues with human rights and exerts pressure from governments (with campaigning)
Universal Human Rights~ International Bill of Human Rights
the most important legalbasis for human rights, UN declaration of human rights (1= civil and political, 2= economic/social/cultural)
Universal Human Rights~ Issues upholding them internationally
countries uphold human rights, countries are responsible for human right violations that question the universality of human rights (some countries do violate human rights)
Charter~ operation of the charter
government actions can be challenged with the charter
Charter~ Constitutional Supremacy
when a court declares a law unconstitutional it can strike down an entire law
Charter~ Section 1
guarantee of rights and freedoms (all of the rights and freedoms are guaranteed of conditions, and not all guaranteed without limits)
Charter~ the oakes test
test to see whether the government was justified in limiting a charter right through the narcotics control act
Charter~ the oakes test steps
objective: limiting the charter protected rights/freedoms that aligns with the values of a free democratic society
Charter~ the oakes test
rational connection: law/action limits charter right/freedom that meets its objective and law/action that does not rationally connect to its purpose
Charter~ the oakes test
minimal impairment: law/government action should achieve its objective without impairing rights/freedoms and an alternate way to this may work
Charter~ the oakes test
proportionally: benefits gained by meeting the objective should outweigh the harms caused by limiting the right/freedom
Charter~ section 2
fundamental freedoms (free of conscience/religion, thought/belief/opinion/expression, peaceful assembly, association)
Charter~ section 7
legal rights (life, liberty and security of a person)
Charter~ section 15
equality rights (every individual is equal and protects groups who suffer political/social/legal disadvantages)
Charter~ section 8 impact on 24 (2)
unreasonable search and seizure (24 is using evidence that was obtained that would deny any rights or freedoms)
Charter~ section 33
notwithstanding clause (in spite of, governments can operate in spite of the charter for a 5 year period of sections 2, 7, 15)
age, receipt of public assistance, sex, sexual orientation, gender, citizenship, disability, colour, race, religion, ethnic/place of origin, record of offences, family status
OHRC~ accommodation
try to accommodate people and break barriers of discrimination
OHRC~ direct discrimination
practice or behaviour that is clearly discriminatory
OHRC~ adverse discrimination
requirement or standard that might appear neutral but is discriminatory toward an individual or group (protected under the code)
OHRC~ prima facie case
valid complaint and identified a social area/one group
OHRC~ undue hardship
accommodation is likely to cause significant health/safety risk
OHRC~ bona fide
reasonably necessary for the safe and efficient performance
conduct, comment or actions that are unwelcomed and occurs more than once
OHRC~ poisoned work environment
making fun of protected group under the code, discriminatory environment and can come up in any social area
OHRC~ constructive discrimination
neutral requirement that has a discriminatory effect
OHRC~ systemic discrimination
part of the social or administrative structures of organizations
OHRC~ racial discrimination
Any action undertaken for reasons of safety, security or public protection, that relies on stereotypes about race, colour, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, or place of origin, or a combination of these, rather than on reasonable suspicion, to single out an individual for greater scrutiny or different treatment.”
OHRC~ overt and systemic discrimination
overt is obvious and systemic is more subtle, and often unconscious consequences of a discriminatory system