Trade of tourism, call centre services, and software production (particularly from India) has increased from developing countries to developed countries
The growing strength and influence of organisations such as the World Trade Organisation (WTO), which advocates free trade, has contributed to the decline in trade barriers
Culture could spread across the globe. Some might say this has weakened culture and that there has been a loss of cultural diversity due to global brands. However, others will argue that the spread of culture has been positive and helped to improve their quality of life
Individual states would find it hard to resist the force of them, and if countries become members of organisations, they will have to abide by their rules
This is especially due to increased demand from China, which has contributed to the increase in price of commodities, and therefore pushed up the price of raw materials
Some consumers gain more from globalisation than others. Globally, there are fewer people in extreme poverty, but this has not been the case in Sub-Saharan Africa
However, it could be argued that countries would have had the change from agriculture to manufacturing to services anyway, and globalisation simply sped it up