Market Failure : when private markets do not bring the allocation of resources that best satisfies society’s wants
3 examples of market failure :
Use of Public Goods
Information Asymmetries
Public Goods go through Non-rivalry and non-excludability
Non-rivalry : Shared consumption , people can have the goods or service simultaneously and benefit from it
Non- excludability : no effective ways to exclude people from having the goods or service
Free- Rider Problem : when people get access to a goods or service without paying for it
Some grey areas :
Toll/ Club Goods : highly excludable, also shared consumption
Common Pool Resources : no exclusion, no shared consumption
tragedy of the Commons : without defined property rights / ownerships, resources get over consumed, can possibly disappear
Socially Efficient and Inefficient Outcomes :
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
Marginal Utility = Marginal Benefit
Marginal Cost maximizes total economic surplus (MB =MC)
Social Efficiency(MSB = MSC) :
Marginal Social Benefit (MSB)
Marginal Social cost (MSC)
Causes of DWL -> Market Failure/ inefficiency ( when markets transactions occur , sometimes there are external benefits and costs placed on others and we either have too much or too little of an outcome.
External Cost : a costs that is imposed on others who are not a part of the transaction
External Benefit : A benefit that is imposed on others who are not a part of the transaction
Big problem -> Market overproduces and overconsumes causing negative externalities.
The government can do to help negative externalities:
regulate pollution
tax the polluter
assign property rights
the government can do for positive externalities :
Regulate (make it a law to receive it)
Externalities occur due to :
Self - optimization
Lack of property rights
overconsumption / underconsumption
transaction costs (costs for transaction, if high, they get passed onto others)
Public Goods underfunded ( free rider problem causes incentives for firms to not produce the good, left to the government )
Per-Unit tax : a charge for each quantity produced ( changes VC , then changes AVC, ATC, MC)
Lump- Sum tax : 1 time change on good, no matter how much quantity is produced ( changes FC, then only ATC is gonna change )
Gov't policies in monopolies :
Natural monopoly : unique situation
awesome at economics of scale ( lower costs)
firm is always producing when ATC is falling
Regulated monopoly : Gov. uses a price ceiling
Socially optimal PC (P = MC), problem : ( P < ATC ) monopoly earns loss but gov. can give subsidizes
Fair Return Price ( P = ATC ) normal profit
income determined :
Demand for the product (derived demand)
Worker Productivity
Supply of labor
Lorenz curve illustrates inequality
Lorenz Curve :
the larger area “A” is , the more unequal your society is
the smaller area “A” is, the more equal it is
equation for Gini Ratio = area between lorenz curve + diagonal line / total area below the diagonal line OR A / A + B