- '' Uphold justice and bear witness to God, even if it is againstyourselves, your parents or your close relatives'' = JUSTICESHOULD BE COMPLETELY IMPARTIAL (equal)
- '' We sentourmessengerswithclear signs, so thatpeople could upholdjustice
2 SOWAs for Crime and their meanings:
- '' Godcommands justice , doing good'' = Allah expectsfairness, any punishments should fit the crime
- '' Obey God + the messenger, and those in authorityamong you'' = Islam teachesmuslims to respect laws of their faith + country
2 SOWAs for Good , evil and suffering and their meanings:
- '' God reward them for their steadfastness'' = there's agreat reward for goodactions on earth
- ''Anything good that happens to you is from God; anythingbad is from yourself'' = Humans are responsible for their actions + ignoring God's messages = lead to consequences
2 SOWAs for Punishment and their meanings:
- '' culprit should pay what is due in a good way'' = punishments should be in proportion to the crime
-'' As for those who did evil, each evil deed will berequited by its equal'' = Islam has specific punishments for certain crimes
2 SOWAs for Aims of punishment and their meanings:
- '' He wishes to turn towards you in mercy , man was created weak'' = Allah is compassionatebecause humans are weak + they need laws to guide them
-'' If anyone repents after his wrongdoing + makesamends, God will accept his repentance'' = punishments aren't designed for revenge but to make society better
2 SOWAs for forgiveness and their meanings:
- '' But if you overlook their offences, forgive them, pardon them, then God is all forgiving'' = Muslimsshould try to emulateAllahs qualities e.g. forgiveness
- '' Anyone who forgives + puts things right will have areward from God himself'' = Islam promotes restorative justice
2 SOWAs for the treatment of criminals and their meanings:
- '' they give food to the poor, the orphan andthe captive'' = Quran states that feeding prisoners is an act of charity + muslims should't let anything get in their way of fair treatment
-''None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother that which he loves for himself'' = treat others as you would want to including offenders2
2 SOWAs for the death penalty (capital punishment) and their meanings:
- '' fair retribution saves lives for you'' = Capitalpunishment is justified especially for those guilty of murder
-'' Capitalpunishment does not seem to determurder'' = many non religious people do not support death penalty