
Cards (132)

  • Cells can either be prokaryotic or eukaryotic.
  • eukaryotic are complex cells and include all animal and plant cells
  • Prokaryotic cells are much more simple and are things like bacterial cells
  • Eukaryotes are organisms that are made of eukaryotic cells
  • A prokaryote is a prokaryotic cell - it is a single celled organism
  • animal cell
    A) nucleus
    B) cytoplasm
    C) cell membrane
    D) mitochondria
    E) ribosomes
  • Animal cells contain::
    • nucleus
    • cytoplasm
    • cell membrane
    • mitochondria
    • ribosomes
  • Nucleus - contains genetic material that controls the activities of the cell
  • Cytoplasm - gel-like substance where most of the chemical reactions happen, it contains enzymes that control the chemical reactions
  • Cell membrane - hods the cell together and controls what goes in or out
  • Mitochondria - these are where most of the reactions for aerobic respiration take place. The respiration transfers energy that the cell needs to work
  • ribosomes - these are where proteins are made in the cell
  • plant cell
    A) chloroplast
    B) nucleus
    C) mitochondria
    D) rigid cell wall
    E) cell membrane
    F) permanent vacuole
    G) cytoplasm
    H) ribosomes
  • Plant cells have:
    • nucleus
    • cytoplasm
    • cell membrane
    • mitochondria
    • ribosomes
    • rigid cell wall
    • permanent vacuole
    • chloroplasts
  • Things only present in plant cells:
    • rigid cell wall
    • permanent vacuole
    • chloroplasts
  • rigid cell wall - made of cellulose. It supports the cell and strengthens it
  • Permanent vacuole- contains cell sap, a weak solution of sugar and salts
  • Chloroplasts - where photosynthesis occurs , to make food for the plant. They contain a green substance called chlorophyll, which absorbs the light needed for photosynthesis
  • bacteria cell
    A) chromosomal DNA
    B) cell membrane
    C) flagellum
    D) plasmid DNA
    E) cytoplasm
    F) cell wall
    G) ribosomes
  • Bacteria cells have:
    cell membrane
    cell wall
    chromosomal DNA
  • Bacterial cells don't have a 'true' nucleus - instead they have a single circular strand of DNA that floats freely
  • microscopes let us see things which we cant see with the naked eye.
  • Light microscopes use light and lenses to form an image of a specimen and magnify it. They let us see individual cells and large sub cellular structures
  • electron microscopes use electrons instead of light to form an image. they also have a much higher magnification than light microscopes
  • resolution is the ability to distinguish between 2 points, so a higher resolution gives a sharper image
  • Electron microscopes give a higher resolution than light microscopes
  • Magnification + Image size divided by real size
  • formula
    A) image
    B) real
  • Differentiation is the process by which a cell changes to become specialised for its job
  • As cells change, they develop different sub cellular structures, and turn into different types of cells. This allows them to carry out specific functions
  • Most differentiation occurs as an organism develops
  • in most animal cells, the ability to differentiate is then lost at an early stage after they become specialised
  • However, lots of plants don't ever lose the ability to differentiate
  • The cells that differentiate in mature animals are mainly used for repairing and replacing cells, like skin or blood cells
  • Sperm cells are specialised for reproduction. The function of a sperm cell is to get male DNA to the female DNA
  • Sperm cells:
    Long tail and streamlined head to help it swim to the egg
  • Sperm cells:
    lots of mitochondria in the cell to provide the energy needed
  • Sperm cells
    carries enzymes in its head to digest through egg cell membrane
  • Nerve cells are specialised for rapid signalling. The function of nerve cells is to carry electrical signals from one part of the body to another
  • Nerve cells:
    Long to cover more distance