Pollution; the contamination of the environment by humans adding any substance or energy.
Common Pollutants;
Pollutant; any matter or energy introduced by human activities that produces harmful effects on resident populations thus altering community structure
BiologicalMagnification; the increase in concentration of a substance in successive members of a food chain
Biomagnification; toxic substances may accumulate in members of higher tropic levels
Trophic Transfer; the movement on compounds (molecules) through trophic levels
ToxicSubstance; like nutrients, can be transferred through trophic levels
Water Pollution; occurs when toxic substances enter water bodies such as oceans, lakes, and rivers leading to the degradation of water quality and rendering it toxic to human health and the environment
Causes of Water Pollution:
Domestic Wastes
Industrial Wastes
Agricultural Wastes
Effects of Water Pollution:
Domestic Wastes; wastes coming from houses and different commercial establishments.
Domestic Wastes; Usually responsible for eutrophication
IndustrialWastes; contains large amounts of toxic chemicals.
Heavy Water Pollution; occurs when untreated industrial waste is irresponsibly discharged into water bodies
SewageWater; carries pathogens, other harmful bacteria, and chemicals that can cause serious health problems leading to diseases.
IndustrialChemicalWastes; when discharged can accumulate within the living tissues of aquatic organisms living in those areas and threatens human health through the food chain
AgriculturalWastes; wastes such as fertilizers, farm animal wastes, and sediments contribute to the pollution of water since they contain nitrates and phosphates which are carried away by water runoff resulting to eutrophication.
Eutrophication; the phenomenon in which enrichment of nutrients leads to the increase of algal population in a water body, thereby affecting the aquatic life.
Diseases Caught in Water Pollution:
Air Pollution; occurs when there is a release of air pollutants in the atmosphere and can bring global effects and is harmful to human health
Causes of Air Pollution:
Effects of Air Pollutions:
IndustrialPollutants; air pollutants discharged coming from industries. Industrial Chimneys and powerhouses release CO, CO2, SO2, H2S, and Hydrocarbons.
Automobiles; the most significant contributor to air pollution. Usage of petrol and diesel releases the three volatile organic compounds (VOC) - benzene, toluene, and xylene.
Burning Fuels; found to produce two-thirds of sulfur dioxide in the atmosphere, resulting to acid rain.
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2); a colorless gas produced by combustion of fossil fuels at power plants and certain industrial sources
Acid Rain; SO2 with nitrogen oxides results in acidic rain.
AgriculturalActivities; associated with the burning of forest areas and grasslands to provide pastures and croplands for production
PhotochemicalSmog; a mixture of pollutants that are formed when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds (VOC) react to sunlight, creating a brown haze above cities.
EnhancedGreenhouseEffect; occurs due to elevated air pollutants.
Soil Pollution; the presence of pollutants or contaminants in soil, in high enough concentrations to pose a risk to human health and the environment
Causes of Soil Pollution:
Mining Activities
Waste and Sewage Generation Disposal
Agricultural and Livestock Activities
Effects of Soil Pollution:
Impact on Ecosystem Services of Soil Pollution from Agriculture
Acidification and Crop Loss
Human Health Risks Associated with SoilPollution
Mining Activities; The types of machinery used are capable of releasing a significant amount of heavy metals and many other toxic substances detrimental to the environment.
Heavy Metals; dangerous because of their cytotoxicity
Waste and SewageGeneration and Disposal; as the human population increases, the number of wastes produced increases as well.
Agricultural and LivestockActivities; Sources of soil pollutants coming from agriculture include agrochemical sources like pesticides, livestock manure, and fertilizers applied. Metals that can be found in agrochemical plants like the reduction of photosynthetic activity and eventually decrease crop production productivity
Impact on EcosystemServices of SoilPollution from Agriculture; Agricultural wastes that are released into the environment poses a severe threat to the environment.
Acidification and Crop Loss; Improper application of fertilizers containing phosphorus and nitrogen can lead to acidification and crop loss.
SoilAcidification; lowering of the soil pH caused by the buildup of hydrogen cations.